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It's been a weeks, weeks since Justin and I argued in restaurant. I tried texting and calling, I even showed up to his house. Pattie told me he wasn't in or maybe that was just an excuse because he didn't want to see me. She felt sorry for me and I could see it in her eyes every time I was at the house.

I also tried to not sit around and sulk about it because my mother was home trying to spend time with me. I forced a smile as we did so many different things, such as actually
Going clothes shopping, we went horse back riding like old times we even flew to Spain for some quality girl time.

Soon my mother could tell there was something wrong, she started pestering me because then she pieced together what happened, why Justin suddenly left the night of the dinner and why she hasn't seen him since. "You two argued!" She suddenly came to her senses. "But why?" She questioned. I sighed and gave up I ended up telling her everything.

After crying nonstop, my mother suggested I go get a tub of ice cream and binge watch some films which I actually enjoyed just staying in with her. After watching three rom coms I couldn't stay in, I needed fresh air while my mother took care of business on the phone.

I decided to go out to get myself some Pizza

Driving out of the street, the security man waved at me. I smiled and drove straight to get some food which I was excited about. Turning up the radio, I hummed to some of the songs that I actually liked. As I pulled up to a red light, I checked my phone. My heart beeping fast as I saw Justin's name in the screen, was I beginning to imagine things?

Can we meet up?

You want to meet up and you still have not gave me an apology?

I know but please come meet me tonight, at midnight. I'll send you the address soon. I love you, Selena.


Locking my phone, the light went green. I drove towards my favorite pizzeria as I could already think of getting a pepperoni, mushroom and onion pizza. My mouth watered upon entering the car park. Trying to find a parking spot was absolutely horrific but I managed to found one in the end.

Pushing the door open, I could smell the fresh dough. I gave my order and sat down in a booth near the back. My phone kept buzzing in my pocket as I knew it was either the group chat or one of the girls looking for me so I didn't answer.

My pizza slice was placed in front of me and I thanked the waitress with a small smile.

"Hello beautiful." An all too familiar voice hit my ears, I looked up to see my ex boyfriend from school, Andrew. "What do you want?" I asked him wanting to roll my eyes.

Andrew was one of those people who chased after girls, who gets what he wants. He never settled apart from when he dated me.

We dated for about ten months before he decided to cheat on me with a cheerleader. He was also on the football team so basically girls drooled over him, I didn't really. "Where've you been, schools boring with you babe." I cringed at the end and I then noticed he even avoided any question. "Answer my question first." I said raising a brow taking a bite from my Pizza.

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