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8 years later


"Mom can you help me?" My five year old son Josh asked, showing me his homework.

"Sure sweetie, what do you need help with?" I asked as I bounced my one year old daughter Jade on my hip. "I can't pick a word to put in this sentence!" He whined and I raised an eyebrow at him. I placed Jade in her highchair as I helped Josh with his homework.

"Hi mommy!" I heard my three year old daughter Jessica call me as her and Justin appeared in the kitchen. "Hey babe." Justin said as he planting a kiss on my cheek, Jessica held out her hands with a big smile in her face.

I picked her out of Justin's arms as he went and helped Josh with his homework. Josh whined as he got frustrated doing his English. "Josh you know you have to do your summer homework." I said raising an eyebrow at him again. "How was Abbie's house Jess?" I asked my daughter squeezing her nose and she scrunched it up giggling. "It was lots of fun mommy, we played princesses!" She showed me a toothless smile, giggling I checked my watch and my eyes nearly popped from their sockets.

. "Oh crap I have to go get dressed." I quickly said looking at Justin and setting Jessica down at the table. Justin, the kids and I were going away on our traditional Christmas trip to Lanzarote where both of our family's would be staying with us.

Justin and I have been together for the last six years and within those years we got married and had three beautiful babies. Justin's career also sky rocketed as he traveled the world for his tours and sold albums.

"Is all there suitcases packed?" Justin asked as he leaned over Josh helping him.

"Jessica and Jade's is packed, Josh sweetie did you pack your suitcase yet?" I asked him ruffling his brunette locks, he shook his head and held it down staring at his homework.

"Josh you did the exact same thing last year." Justin said sternly with an annoyed face, I gave Justin my warning eyes to not go hard on him. "I'm sorry dad I forgot." Josh said. I shook my head at Justin and mouthed "don't do this" at him, he just rolled his eyes. He hated when Josh didn't listen to us so he went hard on the him each time.

"Josh, daddy isn't mad." I said. Josh recently started acting up and not really listening to me nor Justin. Ever since he started middle school he started acting disrespectful towards both of us and Justin isn't liking it.

"Go pack your suitcase Josh." Justin said, Josh nodded before running off upstairs. "Can you not he so hard on him?" I asked Justin, I held a hand in my hip and Justin rolled his eyes at me.

"He needs to be taught a lesson and if we don't be hard on him he will never listen to us, is that what you want Selena? Do you want our son to act out of control?" He asked and I rolled my eyes storming up the stairs away from him.

I took a long shower before getting dressed. I walked down the hall towards Josh's room knocking lightly on the wooden door, hearing his faint "come in." I opened the door and smiled at him as I saw him packing his case.

"Hey, you almost finished?" I asked, Josh has been packing his own case since he turned four so he knew what to pack. He nodded and I walked in sitting next to him. "Mom, why is dad so harsh on me lately?"

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