My Hero

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River Johansen-Butterfly, King of Mewni. Born from a barbaric clan, the Johansen Clan. Brutal is the word many monsters would describe this King. Being able to run 10 miles in 4 minutes. Being able to snap bones of monsters with a single flick. He's the Greatest King. It's only safe to assume he is able to control his daughter from making a ruckus, right?
"EEEEEEEEE!!!!!" Squealed little princess Star.
Zipping down the halls of the kingdom. "Oh dear!" huffed the king.
Chasing this little princess was quite the work out. Her stamina was incredible as well as those screams. "Hmmm" he hummed as he thought of an idea.
"Oh Star!"
She stopped in her tracks and looked back at her short and stumpy dad, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Want to hear a story?" he composes himself and flips his cape.
"What kind of story?" Star asked as she zipped right back to King Butterfly.
The king picked her up and embraced her. "The kind I just caught you!!" he laughed.
Star giggled and hugged her father tightly. "You tricked me!" she squeaked.
The King just lifted her in the air and smiled. "Let's go outside"
Star's eyes widen and sparkled. "W-we can!?" she exclaimed and wiggled impatiently in her father's hold.
"Of course!" As he placed the child back on the floor.
"In one condition," he added.
Star looked at her dad and waited for the condition. "You don't wander off, ok?"
Star nodded quickly and grabbed her dad's finger. Jumping up and down as they made their way to the doors.
Squealing and giggling as King Butterfly picked up his princess and onto his shoulders. "THE TOOOOWN!!!" Star gasped as her eyes gleamed out to the kingdom.
The King laughed, "Yes Star, and soon you'll rule over Mewni, just like mommy!"
"Mommy!" Cheered the 5-year old.
Making their way through the kingdom, the townsfolk greeted them both with open arms. Offering food and gifts. "She's so cute!" a Mewman commented.
"Look at that pretty smile!" another said.
Star's eyes widen and smiled even more, to the point she just couldn't help but laugh. "Thank You!" 

"Say goodbye to the townsfolk, pumpkin"

"Bye nice mewmans!!" Star waved as her father walked out of the kingdom with her on his shoulders.

Strolling their way in the outskirts of town Star looked around in her new surroundings, "Papa, where are we going?"

"To see warnicorns, pumpkin"

Star's eyes grew and glistened, a smile cracking on her face and inhaled. "WARNICORNS!!" She squealed. 

River's ear drums popped, his beard ruffling as he chuckled. "Yes,pumpkin, warnicorns, but maybe next time, don't scream in papa's ears."

Star lifted the crown and kissed the King's bald head as an apology. "Sorry papa"

"Oh, it's alright, you were excited that's a-"

River heard sticks being snapped and footsteps getting near. His eyes shifted to the direction and ran the opposite way behind a bush. "I swear I heard something" a deep voice rumbled as they walked out of the thicket. 

River held Star close to his chest and peeked out a bit. There stood two large monsters, a tall, buff goat with a thick turtle shell armor on him, matted fur and rotten teeth. The other was a bear,  with a horn protruding from his head and a pig snout. "You sure you're not going crazy?" The bear sneered.

"Shut up, I know what I heard, it was a little girl" The goat growled in frustration.

Star tugged on the King's coat, tearing up and lip quivering. She's scared.. 

The king hugged his princess tightly, slowly cradling her. Star's breathing slowed down at a normal rate again, relaxed as he set her on the ground and whispered "Stay put, let papa scare those bullies away."

Star nodded as she watched the King hop out from the bushes. 

"Hey you!" Hollered the mighty King.

The bear and goat jolted, directing their sights on the king. "King Butterfly!" gasped in unison.

"Let's get his head and get a reward!" Suggested the goat.

The bear nodded as he charged at the king, assuming he can tackle him down. He wrapped his arms around the King's waist to spear him, River spun around on his heels, threw him on the ground. "Back o-"

The goat grabbed the king from behind and slammed him on his back against the dirt road. The bear and goat ganging up on River. Kicking and beating him as he curled up to protect his front body. Laughing maniacally at the King's groans and grunts. Star watched in horror and grabbed a few rocks nearby. "Leave papa alone!!" She screamed as she ran from the bushes.

"The princess..." The goat mumbled.

"Get her" Ordering the bear to do so.

River tried to get up, gasping in pain. "Hm?" Hummed the goat as he was going to kick the king down.

River caught the kick and gripped his hoof, squeezing harder by the second.

The bear loomed over Star, grinning. Star furrowed her eyebrows and began to chuck the rock at the bear, "Agh!!" Roared the beast as he covered his eyes.

River threw the goat off balance and straddled him quickly, punching him harder and faster. "Don't you dare touch my princess!!" knocking the goat unconscious.

His breath quickened as he turned back at the bear. Star still chucking rocks. River got up and ran up to the bear, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him towards him. "Don't ever comeback!" He ordered as he clashed his head onto the bear's skull, knocking out most of the monster's front teeth.

River threw him aside and quickly picked up Star, who's now crying and burying her head in his beard. The bear stumbled, covered in blood and picked up his fallen teammate. Looking back at the king with swollen eyes and began to walk back from where they came. Star choking on her tears and trembling.

"I'm sorry pumpkin... I put you in danger..."

"M-My hero.." stammered the child.

River's eyes welling with tears as he held her tighter and walked back to the kingdom.  Humming to calm her down. Star drying her tears as she listened.

"You're papa's hero too.."

Star looked up at her father, giving him a gentle smile as she wiped his tears away. River looked down at his daughter in his arms and smiled back.

My little monster fighter..

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