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~Namjoon's POV~

We were all shocked about what suga and jin said, they'd never ever say some such word like that, even the managers were shocked also. Then jungkook ran to jin, jungkook seems to be worried at jin

"What happened?" The manager asked

"We dont know we just heard suga cursing to jin, at his mistakes i guess" i replied

~Jungkook's POV~
I ran after jin because maybe he's gonna do something that the environment doesn't want. Jin saw me then he stopped

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Following you"


"If only you know how worried i am seeing you like this"

"Pshh, nobody cares..."

"I do"

I said as we sat on the bench

"Do you know the feeling when a member scolded you and of course, curse you"

"Yeah, i knew that feeling. Why? Because my hyungs sometimes does that to me"

"Yeah its because we love teasing you, and of course you're our maknae and even if we tease or scold you, we still love you no matter what the conditions are"

"I appreciate that, wanna buy some drinks?"

"Its up to you"

I smiled at him as my reply. Then we went to 711 and buy some drinks. After buying some drinks we went outside and we walked towards the park

"Hey wanna hear some dad jokes?"

"I've always love your dad jokes, yes my pleasure"

"Hamburgers... what color they are?"


"Burgundy! Burgundy!"

"Hyung!!!!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

"Wanna hear more?"

"Heck yeah"

"How does a cow--"

Then jin's dad jokes were cut because he's phone rang

"What is it?"

"Its from our manager"

"Its from our manager"

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"What did he say?"

"He's concerned for us because we just left without telling them where we going"

"Oh ok, can yu continue your dad jokes?"

"Yeah sure, so again, how does a cow laugh?"




"Come on its funny"

"Well not for me"


Then jin and i waste our time to his dad jokes instead of practicing on our tour, well day spent. And we're laughing also for 3 hours, i wonder when the members, the staff, the managers are worried

"Jin hyung"


"I think we should go now, they're worried i guess"

"Well ok i think so too, come on let's go"

While walking i saw jin's face is sad, i think it's all about what happened earlier he can't move on about suga because he knew that they'll be awkward at our dorm, on the stage, etc. Jin's a good person so why he hurt him like that, it also hurts for me because i'm also scared to suga

~Jin's POV~

I just don't wanna go to where suga scolded me but jungkook wants us to go because he knew that the members, our managers, the staff are worried for us. Well i'll escape this situation and tomorrow it'll be better just think for the armys and my carreer dont think of any negative things because negative things will happen to you

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