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   I walked inside the castle. The teacher said that we could explore. So I went into a little sailing boat with Izy. Then we explored the gardens but all of a sudden a gray cloud rolled over the castle and it has started thundering then it started to rain we tried to find the rest of the class. But we couldn't. So we went in one of the houses. "I'll go look around to see if we can find one of our class mates." Izy said. "Here!" I said handing her an umbrella. She took it and left.
     Izy still hasn't come back. Then through the clouds they sun was beaming through. I went outside and then I turned the corner. "AH!" I screamed, "AH!" She screams "AH!" We all scream. I tried to hit her but my hand went right through her. "WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU!?" I shrieked. "I am uhh Lilly The Ghost" She said. "H-have you seen my mom and dad, Molly and David?" She asked. 0-0 "queen molly and king david?! And your--- wait you aren't princess--" I said but she interrupted me "I uhh am their NIECE! Yea!" She briefly said. "But that isn't you mom or--" again interrupted. "Shut up..." She said. "Do you want to come home with me?" I asked. "Uhhh... do you have a place for me?" She asked. "well how are you going to sleep? I do have a little place for you. But it's like in the living room. Heh heh.." I said.
    We started talking on the way to my house. "So would you parent be worried to see you with a ghost?" She asked. "Well I don't have any parents. They saw me and decided they... didn't want me. So they left me on a door step." I said. She was looking at me like she was sorry. "So yea, now I live alone!" I smiled at her. She looked she had nothing to say. Then she looked down and disappeared. "Lilly? LILLY!?" I yelled. "C'mon slow poke!" She said cheerfully. That smile.. it looked familiar. But I'll leave it alone. I'll find out soon enough.

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