Tree Person.. That Person

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Lily's point of view
     "LILY!!! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!!" I went down stairs to see Katniss making breakfast. She is so nice. Unlike like me. But the problem is that I can't eat. "Uhhh did you know that ghosts don't eat?" I said and she nodded. "I am scientist I made a thing where you can eat it! Try it! It's blueberry pie! But you know, you can eat it," She said. Then I took it and then I ate it. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't good like when I was alive. It tasted a smidge bitter but other then that it was good. "Oh it tastes a little bitter but it's good! And finally I can eat! So at this point I don't care!" I ate it. "So my friend said we had to go do something at the grave yard," She said. "I will go as long as we don't dig up any body's or anything!" I said and we left.
Katniss's point of view
     We headed to the grave yard right under the big tree. Lily looked at the tree while I did the work that my friend told me to do.
     When I was finished I heard someone calling my name. "Katniss! Hey!" He said. It was Kaden! "Hey Kaden!" I said. Then lily came out and had really rosy cheeks. It was like she was blushing. OH.NO.SHE.DIDN'T! "This is my ghost friend lily. She is very shy and apparently she loves flowers," I said. And then she handed the flowers to Kaden. I was like. Crying in corner on the inside of my body  it on the out side my face was hot and really red. "Uhhh Katniss told me to give these to you," She said. "Oh well thanks. I'll keep them. Hey lily! You look familiar," He said to lily. "Yea I was thinking the same thing!" I said. "Anyway! Katniss I found something behind the tree!" Lily said.
     Me and Kaden followed her to the back of the tree. There was a hidden wood door behind it. It was unlocked so I opened it. We all went inside. And went down the ladder. Then we found a little snug house. We all bumped into each other. Then Kaden fell on me! Then Lilly went in between us and her ghost hands turned into human hands. The skin was a olive skin color. Then me and Kaden separated and her hand turned back to ghost hands. "What happend?" I asked. Lily was too busy looking at her hand instead of looking at me. "Hello! Lily!" Kaden said shaping his finger in translucent face. "I'm turning back to human. Slowly but surely." She said. "Hey I've heard about this place. Where this person at midnight let's you ask her three questions and she will answer them." Kaden said. "You might want to go check it out Katniss!" He said cheerfully. "Okay! Lily, Kaden, you want to come with me?" I asked. "No, I'll stay at the house!" Lily said. "I have to go to my work. I can't really take a day off again. Because I had to spend time with Lilyanna-- hey, do you even know where Izy and Lilyanna are Katniss?" He asked me. "No, I have been trying to find Izy but, never found her," I said. "YOU DON'T NEED IZY ANYWAY!" Lily said and disappeared. "That's was, weird," Kaden said."anyway I need to go bye!" He said. "Bye!"
     "Lily! I'm heading out!" I said. And no answer. I checked my watch. It was 11:50 it was almost midnight. I better head out.
     I went inside the tree, went down the ladder. And...
"HELLO MY DARLING!!!!" It said. Oh my goodness. She or he did a ear piercing scream. "WHO are you and what are you?!" I asked/yelled. "I.AM.TREEEEEEE PEEEEEERRRRRSSSOOONNNNN!!!!!!!! DARLING!!!!!" She said. "Are you some kind of earth God or something? And please stop yelling!" I yelled/asked. "NO AND NO! DARLING! I AM CURSED TO YELL ALL THE TIME, DARLING! ANYWAY ASK ME THREE QUESTIONS, DARLING, AND I WILL ANSWER THEM!" She said. Goodness she could scream. "Oh you're that person. Anyway, I'll ask you the first question who killed lily?" I asked. "Okay this one is hard for you. Your friend. Izy, she killed her." She said. "Wait you not--" "YOU WERE SAYING DARLING! WHAT OTHER QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE!?" She asked." NO!  She would never do such a thing. Why would she though?" I asked. "SECOND QUESTION! SECOND ANSWER! She wanted you to be happy. Darling," She said in a rather soothing voice. "Why would killing a innocent girl make me happy?!" I asked. It was my last question. "LAST QUESTION! LAST ANSWER! Haven't you noticed? Lily didn't want you to find out that she is Lilyanna, darling,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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