Chapter 3

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Moonbyul's POV

"Lets go and dance. Come on!," Solar unnie said.

We all went to the dance floor and was dancing just together as a four but soon the other three members got asked for a dance by some handsome men I have to say. I wonder who they were. Are they actors or are they idols like me?

"Would you like to dance with me?" said a voice that sounds vaguely familiar.

I turned around and collided with the owner of the voice. I didn't know he was that close to me.  I looked up to see a face that was stunningly handsome even with a mask on. But I can sense familiarity about him but can't pinpoint to why and where I've may have met him before.

"Is that a yes?," said the stranger and I completely forgotten about the question he had asked me since I was too stunned by his looks.

"Oh....uh.. yes I guess so....," I stumbled, feeling a little bit embarrassed that I was being shy like this.

He held out a hand to me and I felt butterflies in my tummy as I don't recall ever having met a gentleman like this before. When our hands touched, I feel like there was a sort of spark between us already. He led me to the middle of the dance floor and we glided like we were dancing on clouds.

"So can I know what your name is?" he asked me.

"I thought this paws meant to be a masked ball and that entitled to everyone not knowing each other's identity," I answered back.

"You sure know how to put forward a good argument," he said whilst chuckling quietly.

"Well I've been told that it's my best trait," I said smugly.

"Well can I at least ask about your age?"

"Have you ever been told that you should never ask a woman for her age?" I teased him loving how he reacted to my teasing with a cute pink blush that seems to make his face look younger even with his mask on.

"Well I've never asked for a woman's age before I met you," he said with a smirk as if he says this to every woman he met before even though I can sense his sincerity coming through when he said that. I find that cute anyways that he tries to seem cool but failing at the same.

"Yeah sure you haven't," I said sarcastically whilst lifting my right eyebrow up at him.

"I haven't honestly and why would I lie to a beautiful woman such as yourself?" he said without the cheesiness that should have been present when a guy says that to you, although not all guys are like him though.

I pretend to consider to what he said for a moment and then replied confidently, "Yes, I suppose so since I fit those criteria very much so."

He then laughed a hearty laugh that could make any girl melt just hearing it and then it occurred to me that he has the exact laugh as someone I know very well who's close to me and I now realise that his voice does seem familiar like I had thought from the start.

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