Nothings the same

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I opened my eyes and looked around, and I see I'm tied to a chair, I go to scream but I can't. I start trying to break free, but can't. In fear I start to cry, and scream through the duck tape. About an hour goes by, but feels like forever, I had given up hope that I would ever get out. I sat there with my eyes closed expecting the worse. I remember hearing the door open, I jumped in fear my eyes opening quick and wide. I look around and I see a tall, skinny, black figure coming towards me. I squint my eyes trying to focus on the figure until I realized it was her. She ripped the duck tape off as hard as she could "How did you find me?" I ask loudly "Duh, my phone stupid" she replies rudely to me. "Why are you doing this? What have I ever done to you?!" I ask mad and scared at the same time, she walks away ignoring me, I say nothing. I sat there for about two minutes before she walks back to the room, her left head in a fist and her right holding a bat. "Please don't hurt me" I cry to her, she says nothing and just keeps walking forward. "Please I'll do anything" I plead, "Then die" she said "Why? Why do you hate me all of the sudden? We where best friends about four hours ago" I say to her "Emily don't you get it?" She says "I WAS your best friend, but ever since chase started liking you I have only planned my revenge" (for all of you that don't know Chase has been her crush since me and her became friends, and he asked me out but I said no because she liked him) "Aubrey I had nothing to do with Chase's feelings" I say, the next thing I know she's hitting me with a bat. Then everything goes dark and Emily never woke up again and they never caught Aubrey. Or so that's how everyone tells it, but I'm still alive and here's the real story..... It all started about four years ago when I found out we where moving. I was upset but more excited then upset. I never fit in or made a lot of friend and I was also never invited to a party, or went out to clubs, and I never did anything "fun" or "cool" and I was always the "weirdo" that no one likes. So it sounded fun to change my reputation and become the "fun" and "cool" one that everyone likes. So about three days before we move I go tell my best friend Aubrey Ann Gil all about the news she was sad and I was sad to leave her but she understood. So it was moving day and we had everything packed in the truck and ready to go and Aubrey came to say bye for the last time face to face (and yes we where actually moving to New York).

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