First Girl You See

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"Hey guys." You hummed and waved at the group as they sat around a lunch table, Rory and Sarah sipped at dubious looking cranberry juice while Benny was devouring a pile of curly fries with Ethan chewing on a sandwich as he watched his best friend in a disgusted awe.

"Hey (Y/N)." Benny muttered through a mouthful of curly fries.

"How do you eat so fast!" Ethan asked as you sat between him and Sarah who grinned.

"How was the full moon?" She hummed and you shrugged.

"Benny's Grandma gave me something for tonight, it shouldn't be as bad but... I still grow fur." You sighed and she gave you a hug.

"You'll get through it and if you want you can crash at the foot of my bed again." She waved goodbye and left with Rory.

"You should ask Sarah out." Benny muttered and when you glanced over at him he was pointing a curly fry at Ethan.

"I can't ask Sarah out she's... Sarah." He squeaked and you frowned.

"If you like her shouldn't you ask her out?" You offered and benny nodded.

"Yeah see (Y/N) gets it." Benny smiled when Ethan sighed and mumbled some excuses.

"Ok well I've got to get to class and then go see Grandma Weir so I don't wolf out all over town tonight." You waved and grabbed your bag, leaving the boys chatting about how to ask Sarah out.


"You think it's so easy to just ask out Sarah, well I dare you to ask out the first girl you see." Ethan sighed and Benny shrugged.

"Deal, this'll be super easy." He chuckled and turned when Ethan looked at someone. "(Y/N)!"

"Hey (Y/N) did Grandma Weir's full moon potion work?" Ethan chuckled as you eyed a nervous Benny as he gawked at you.

"Yeah, wolfed out and slept all night." You smiled and turned to Benny who took a deep breath.

"You want to go out with me?" Benny asked and you nodded slowly.

"Ok, where would we go?" You asked and Benny shrugged.

"Movie?" He offered and you nodded again.

"Sure, might as well, oh Ethan you should ask Sarah out." You smiled and high-five Benny as you walked off.


"Hey!" you grinned when Benny knocked at your door, hands hand sparkling as he created a bunch of flowers which you took and quickly found a vase in your kitchen.

"Ok so I got us tickets to the new Star Wars movies, I learnt a spell to put on cups and bags to make the bottomless, so we just get small everything and it will never empty" Benny explained as the two of you walked to the cinema.

"Well it's a better movie selection that your last one." You giggled as he fiddled with his bag.

"Yeah well I kind of thought werewolf movies were at least a little accurate." He admitted and you rolled your eyes.

"I mean they have a human turning into a wolf, nothing else though." You smiled as you got to the cinema and Benny opened the door for you.

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