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"Are you filming Ethan or (Y/N)?" Rory asked as Benny lost track of what he was doing as he stared at you.

"Ethan... why would I film (Y/N)?" Benny scoffed.

"Because you're in love with her, well you're obsessed with her." Rory retorted, rolling his eyes as he sighed.

"I am not I just think she's cute that's all." Benny shook his head, almost dropping the camera as you waved at him.

"You have a crush on her." Ethan added as he walked over two the two of them.

You smiled and slowly made your way behind the boys who glanced over at where you were last stood. Benny shrieked when you threw your arms around his shoulders from behind.

"Who has a crush on who?" You hummed playfully.

"No one... Erica... shoe... cow... werewolf." Benny spluttered and the three of you all looked at him as if he'd lost his mind.

"Ok, we're going to go, I need Rory for a prank." You muttered with a freaked out look on your face as you tugged the vampire after you.

"That was awkward." Benny whispered.


"Hey so I got a free ticket to a movie, that one with vampires and werewolves!" Benny declared as he burst into Ethan's room.

"Isn't that the film (Y/N) wanted to see with Erica?" Jane asked. "Erica saw it with one of her snacks so (Y/N) said she'd wait for someone else to watch it with her." She smiled and hopped of Ethan's bed, grabbing her books as she left.

"That's perfect I can ask her to go with me... I'd have to talk to her, and sit alone in the dark with her." Benny's voice trailed off as he listed things that could happen if you went to see the movie with him.

"Um, also you only have one ticket... probably going to put a hole in your plan." Ethan pointed out.

"Oh, that's easy, I can just zap up a copy." He snapped his fingers, glancing down at his hand when he realised nothing but a few sparks appeared. "Huh, I guess I'm nervous."

"Well just keep trying, you have a week." Ethan chuckled and went back to his homework.

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