9~Mitchell and ashton babysitting us part 2

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Emma's pov

I woke up in uncle Niall's room.It smell's like his cologne.I love the smell of him it makes me feel safe.I don't know why though.

I walk down the hall to my room and get out my band-a-loom kit to make loomy bands!I love those fucking things so much,Wait did I just cures.Oh my fucking god.Thats not good what if uncle Niall found out he would..... Spank me.:(It makes me sad when I get in trouble cause It's just Not Fair.It's Not Fair that I get spanked either.GOD NOTHING IS FAIR!!!

"HAHAH I'm SO FREEING SMART NOT TO SAY ANY OF THIS OUT LOUD!".I scream out.YA that was a really bad decision to make because now I hear foot steps getting closer to my room!!!AHHHHH theirs a Mikey zombie in my door way telling me to be quiet.

Mikey's(aka Michael from 5sos)P.O.V

I was peacefully dreaming about being on tour UNTIL I hear "HAHAH I'm SO FREEING SMART NOT TO SAY ANY OF THIS OUT LOUD!".

Oh my god it's 4:00 in the fucking morning what In the actual Hell is she doing up.I get up to go see what all this yelling is about.

I walk up the grand staircase they have it's REALLY COOL!I'm walking down the hall way and I see her door open with Emma on her bed making loomy bands? I think.The only reason I know about them is because she made a couple for me.

"Hey Emma what's with all the yelling?".I yoan.

"What yelling I didn't hear any yelling No that was not me and you can't Prove it".She says yelling like a crazy person and looking at everything but me.

"Emma please don't lie to me all I came up here to say is to stop the yelling and to go to sleep it's four In the morning".I say with my knees ready to collapse.

"But I don't want to that's why I'm up duh stupid".She said with a attitude.Now it's on.

"Emma All.I.Want.You.To.Do.Is.Be.
Quiet.And.Go.To.Sleep".I say gritting my teeth.

"Emma All.I.Want.Is.You.To.Be. Quiet.And.Go.To.Sleep".She mocked continuing to make those's thingys.

"Ok if you want to be stubborn go down stairs and sit on the naughty steps".I say proud of my self.

"N-No I don't want to".She starts to wine.

"Come on or you'll get a spanking".I say picking her up placing her on my hip.

"NO I DONT WANT TO".She screamed at me.

"Emma you do not raise your voice at me and since you had that little out Burst your going to sit there for ten minuets".I said to the squirming kid.

"No No No I don't want to you can't make me".She said on the verge of tears.Its so cute how sensitive she is.

"Yes I can and will".I say carrying her out of her room to the naught steps while she try's to squirm out of my grip.

"No Mikey i don't wa-"cut off by me smacking her bum.

"Owwie that hurt".She cried kicking her legs.

"Ya I know if you don't stop there will be more where that came from".I assured her.I get down to where the naughty steps are and place Emma down on there.She started to get up.

"No No No you stay right there".I say making her tears come down.

"B-b-but it hurts me bum".She started to cry in to her hands.That looks like the saddest thing I've ever saw but those lost puppy commercials are pretty close.

"I know baby but if you don't complain or get off the naughty step then I'll come get you early ok?".I say wiping a tear off her cheek.

"Ok".She sniffled.

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