Greg's P.O.V
Today's the day that my daughter go's back to her uncle.
Emma's all packed up and sitting on the couch waiting for the john.
I'm sad that I only to spend a week with her but I guess that's better then nothing.
Knock knock
I got up and answered the door to see John there.
"Come in, I think she's almost ready to go".
As soon as Emma got done packing my heart was breaking, this could be the last time I saw her if I didn't win custody.
"You all packed up we have a long flight back". John said picking up Emma's two bags.
"I'll go put these in the car".I saw Emma start to get up so that's when I embraced her in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry you had a bad time here but I want you to know that I do love and care about you." I said while she surprisingly hugged me back. I was Gripping her tightly not wanting to let go of my daughter and never get her back .
" I mean the first part of this week was hell, but the end was okay". Emma said.
Out of the corner of my eye I see John walk in with a embarrassed expression.
" Okay I'm sorry I got the flight times wrong it's not 11 am it's 11 pm so I'll be back later". John said with a embarrassed smile."Can we watch movies all day?". Emma asked kinda muffled in by my jumper.
" Sure anything you want Emmy". I said bending down a little to kiss her head.
"Do you also think we could go and see grandad?" Emma asked looking up at me this time.
" I think I could make that happen." I said smiling down at her.
The fact I can see her for a few more hours makes me so happy!
While we were watching orange is the new black (Not really my pick for a 12 year old but if it makes her happy) Emma started to apologize.
" I'm sorry for kinda being a brat this whole week." Emma said looking down in to her lap.
I smiled to my self,if she is feeling bad about that then that means she is starting to feel me as a adult figure that's in charge."It's alright you were punished for it." I said rubbing her back a little bit.
"Can I ask you a question?". Emma asked leaning her head on to my shoulder and yawning.
"Sure babe". I said checking my phone to see when Denise is supposed to come home.
" Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked watching the tv.
" I actually have a wife I got married about 3 years ago, and I have a son named theo he's four". I said thinking about how I missed my wife and child.
"So I ave a lil brother!" Emma said sounding excited. Her accent is starting to get stronger, more of a British then Irish though.
"Ya you do!" I laughed.
" And I have a mum." Emma said in a whisper voice. I smiled at that knowing now that she wants a mum.
_____10 hours later_____
Emma's P.O.V
I guess Greg isn't that bad after all I talked with him for a while. He seems quite nice actually.
"Alright time to go". Greg said grabbing his car keys, I guess we're going to meet John at the airport then.
I headed to his Mercedes-Benz.I got in the front seat, but quickly turned down.
"Uh No, if we were in a car accident you would be suffocated by the air bag, your riding in the back seat." Greg said sternly giving me a do Not make me get out of this car kinda look.
"Alright jeez." I said and got in the back seat.
" I just don't want anything to happen to you." Greg said looking back at me in the mirror with a smile.
I returned the smile, Looking out the window.We got to the air port and we didn't have to carry and thug in because John still had my stuff in his car.
We found John and saw him carrying his stuff and mine.
I kinda laughed at that."Flight 246 now boarding." Was spoke over the intercom.
I looked up at Greg, I didn't want to cry but I didn't want to look like I didn't care.
I hugged him, I didn't hug him like ew. I hugged him more of a I'm gonna miss you type way.
I looked up and saw him smiling."I'm sorry to get in the middle of your goodbyes but we really have to go now." John said kinda frantic.
"Okay." I said muffled by Greg's chest."Good bye!". I said letting go of him and walking to John.
"So did you have a good time?".John asked carrying my bags and his.
"Ya I did".I said trying to keep up with him, being hella short isn't the easiest thing in the world.
"Strugglin their?".John asked looked back at me but kept walk so fricken fast!
"No not at all". I said sarcastically friendly glaring at him.I'm keeping in the back of my mind that what ever I say or do on this plane ride could or could not get me in trouble with my uncle.
"As soon as we walk on to that plan your only 12 hours from see your uncle!".John said being pretty enthusiastic.
"Yep". I said just thinking about how when I get on the plane, I'm sleeping the whole way there.
"Well I can see your excited". John said sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes at that and followed John on to the plane.Only twelve hours,
A/n hey guys! Volley ball has ended but this book is still on hold because I just don't have the time to update regularly.On the other hand do you guys want #STAY
tour to last longer on the book so it doesn't get to boring or #HOME do you want to end tour and have them go home for the year?
Leave your # in the comments.Anyway I typed this on my phone with fake nails on and I think it was the hardest thing I've ever done!
Also, happy Halloween!!! Tell me why your doing in the comments!!!
I'm going to hang out with my friends and just watch movies so kinda boring.
Alright bye!!
Love ya~
living with my uncle's (one direction spanking stories)
Novela Juvenil(contains spanking you've been warned. lol;) *Don't like don't read* Copy rights 2014 All rights reserved