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(Y/N)'s POV·


   That's what you were doing today.

   You were obsessed with Quidditch. You followed every team in the league, and you supported the Chudley Cannons, just like Ron did. That's why you were so excited as you walked to the lawn with the trio. As you arrived, you saw that there were many brooms spread out across the grass.

   After a few minutes, Madame Hooch, the flight instructor and referee of the school Quidditch games, showed up. "Well, what are you waiting for?" she snapped irritably. "Stand next to a broom. Come on, hurry up." The sound of footsteps was audible as everyone did as they were told.

   "Stick out your right hand over your broom and say 'Up!'" she instructed further. Everyone attempted it. You and Harry were the only ones it worked for the first time. "Good job, Potter, (L/N). Ten points to Gryffindor." 

   She then showed everyone how to grip the broom and steer it. As she was giving instructions on when to fly, Neville's broom went out of control, and he went soaring clumsily up into the air. Higher and higher he climbed. Eventually, he fell onto the ground from his high height with a crack. His broom floated away.

   Madame Hooch bent over him. "A broken wrist," she said, after examining him. "Not one of you shall move while I take him to the hospital wing or you'll be expelled faster than you can say 'Quidditch.'" she said firmly. A chorus of "Yes, Madame Hooch," echoed around the field.

   As soon as they were out of sight, Malfoy and the other Slytherins started laughing at him. "Did you see his face, the fat lump?" Malfoy said, and the Slytherins all roared with laughter. He swaggered over to where Neville's Remembrall lay. It was a ball that turned red if you had forgotten something. Neville's gran had given it to him. He picked it up, laughing. "I should put it somewhere where he won't find it---up a tree, maybe?"
​​​​​he smirked. He looked to see if you were laughing.

   You weren't. 


   "Give it here, Malfoy," Harry said. 

   "Yeah, hand it over," you chimed in.

   Draco took off into the air. "Come and get it, Potter," he yelled.

   Harry looked at you. You shrugged. He decided to do it. He took off into the air. "What an idiot," Hermione said, shaking her head. 

   "Maybe," you replied, "but I gotta go make sure he doesn't kill himself." You were an experienced flier, and you knew you wouldn't fall off. You took off as well.

   As soon as you reached Harry, Malfoy threw the ball. Harry made a spectacular dive to catch it. He caught it firmly, but Malfoy was right behind him. "Here, Harry!" You yelled. He threw it to you and you caught it beautifully. At that particular moment, Professor McGonagall decided to show up.

   "HARRY POTTER! (Y/N) (L/N)!" she screeched. "What were you thinking? You could have broken your necks. Follow me this instant!" she screamed.
You and Harry looked at each other, hearts sinking. You were both going to be expelled, and you hadn't even been at Hogwarts for half a year. You followed her into the school, where she asked Flitwick if she could borrow Wood.

   Wood turned out to be a fifth-year student who was the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He looked you up and down admiringly. "Wood, I've found you a Seeker and a Chaser." 

   His face lit up. "Really!?!" McGonagall assured him that yes, really, you two were complete naturals at flying. The two went over more details as you and Harry stood there, stunned. "Tomorrow I'll teach you everything," Wood said, elated.

   At dinner, you told Ron and Hermione the news. Ron gaped. "But first years NEVER get on the Quidditch teams!" he exclaimed. You and Harry just shrugged. The Weasley twins came over.

   "We heard you two got on the team! We're on it, too! We're Beaters! You two must be really good---Wood was practically skipping when he told us," they related.

    "Well, of course, you're pureblood, so you've had some experience, (Y/N)," George said, looking at you.  

   "Yeah, I bet you're wonderful," Fred said, sighing dreamily and looking at you.

   Ron looked angry. "Yeah, you must be! No first year gets on the Quidditch team!" he said, looking into your eyes. Harry nodded and did the same. You shifted uncomfortably under the incredible awkwardness of four guys staring at you.

   You cleared your throat. "Um, guys, let's not forget that Harry here is on the team, too," you said.

   "Yeah, you guys, quit mooning over (Y/N)! It's making me lose my appetite here!" Hermione exclaimed, pretending to gag.

   The boys all blushed and turned away. The Weasleys' faces were as red as their hair. "We weren't 'mooning,'" they all mumbled.

   There were a few awkward moments of silence. 

   "Sooooo," you said. "How was everyone's day today?" Everyone was grateful for the silence-breaker, and soon you were all chatting away like normal. It was a huge relief!

   That night, you could hardly sleep. You were so excited! You had always dreamed about playing Quidditch for your house, and now that dream was coming true!

   You couldn't wait for tomorrow!

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