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   •(Y/N)'s POV•

   You walked out of the Quidditch stadium with your team, deafening cheers behind you, your body soaked and sodden with sweat. You had just won your first Quidditch match, which had been against Slytherin. The victory was extra sweet since you had beaten your House rivals. As you changed, you thought back on the long weeks of practice and the game you had just played. 


   Even during your first Quidditch practice, it had become quite obvious that you were the best Chaser on the team, maybe in the history of Gryffindor Quidditch. You rarely ever missed a goal, Oliver never could stop you, and no one could catch you once you had the Quaffle in your hand and the wind at your back. Some even whispered that you most definitely had a dazzling future in the sport. Of course, you remained humble about it and always credited your team for being so amazing to work with. 

   One thing was funny, though. When you were around, the boys always gave an extra effort to play well and perform amazingly. Of course, many of these attempts resulted in failure, but, hey, it's the thought that counts. Many a time Oliver had been whacked by a Bludger while trying to see if you had noticed the great save he just made or the speed with which he had recovered from a near fall. Sometimes, the twins even hit Bludgers at each other in the attempt to impress you. You often giggled at their antics, which always lit up their faces with a smile. 

   Harry also showed off, zooming around the pitch with great speed and glancing at you triumphantly after he had caught the Snitch. Sometimes, the two of you raced, and you would always win, even when Harry tried his hardest. The weeks passed in a happy, hard-working blur. 

   Of course, you were helping Ron, Harry, and Hermione figure out about the Sorcerer's Stone and the whole mystery surrounding it, but you tried to always live in the moment and focus in things that made you happy. 

   Like Quidditch. 

   You had gotten up early that morning, putting the last touches on your homework from the day before and stretching a bit to loosen yourself up. As you were about to head to the Quidditch pitch with the Trio, a Hufflepuff boy who you remembered was called Justin Finch-Fletchley came up to you, blushing. 

   You had smiled at him sweetly, which had reddened his cheeks. He looked down at his shoes before speaking. 

   "H-Hi, (Y-Y/N)," he had said. 

   "Hi, Justin."

   "Um... Um... I just wanted to wish you good luck today. I hope you win!" he said nervously. "And, uh, these are for you. Because I really like you." He had handed you a pretty bouquet and began studying his shoes as if they were suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.  

   You smiled, your heart melting at the sweet gesture. "Aw, thank you, Justin," you said. He had just nodded, blushing, and went back to the Hufflepuff table.

   You hadn't missed a goal today. You remembered some of Lee Jordan's commentary. 

   "(L/N) with the Quaffle... Nearing the hoops... And... SHE SCORES!!!" 

   "Miss (Y/N) (L/N) has been terrific with the Quaffle today! Hogwarts has never seen the likes of her! And there, she does it again!! Another ten points for Gryffindor!"



   It had felt, for lack of a better term, perfect. The team had carried you and Harry around on their shoulders, and you smiled and waved at your friends in the stands. This was why you loved Quidditch, loved life. 

   Because, even when it got hard and you didn't think you could keep going, it all was all right in the end. 

   And why wouldn't it be? 

   You were you after all. 

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