chapter 1

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Walking out into life for the first time I fell to my knees.

I fell to a soft spot and everything went dark. When my eyes opened, the only thing that I saw was dark. I was in a place that I had been before and something or someone was following me. It was not a human but not an animal, and I don’t think that it was alone. I had seen this beast before and it was not in a dream, but when it took my mother at a young age.

I ducked into a bush to hide from the beast forgetting that it was a natural hunter. The beast was closing in on me. I had two choices, I could run and make my train or I could try to get to a place that he couldn’t find me and risk my life in the process. The best choice was the train. It would get me out of here and to a place where the beast couldn’t find me. I wouldn’t have to worry anymore after I got out of this place. The station was a mile from where I was right no so I could make it there quickly if I ran. I was about to leave when all of the sudden it started pouring down rain. The rain left the beast stumbling, but still proceeding quickly.

The beast followed close behind as I sprinted and stumbled to the train station. Trying not to get extremely soaked. When I got to the station, I was dripping wet and out of breath. The beast had beaten me to the station, or was that a new one? Before I knew it I was surrounded by them. I had no place to go . I fell to the ground, and they started slashing open my skin with their large claws and teeth. When I was near death, I fell the rest of the way to the ground and everything went dark again. I shot straight up in a new place, all my cuts were there and bleeding, but I didn’t feel anything. I felt perfectly fine.

This place was completely white, and there was nothing else in the distance that I could see. I started walking around hoping to find something or somebody even. As I went, the background color changed, everything else stayed the exact same. Was I seriously the only one here? Could I really have been chased almost to death and wake up in a place that I never even thought existed. The bad thing was that the marks continued bleeding all over and I felt no change. Was I dead?

The room flashed and everything went black for a third time. This time I woke up in a hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of wires and tubes. The monitors around me started beeping. The marks on my legs had been stitched up and cover so that I couldn’t see them. Somebody in a pink lab coat was drawing blood to see if I was okay other than what was visible. The day had just been weird and nothing would change back, that was almost positive. The nurse looked up and noticed that I was awake.

“Where am I?” is all I could get out to ask the nurse, I knew as soon as it came out of my mouth that it was a stupid question.

“you are in a hospital. You seemed to have hit your head pretty hard. Your husband came home and saw you bleeding on the ground. He called an ambulance and stayed by your side the whole time. He was just here and when I came in he kinda lost it and went to get your sisters baby for a while. Is it alright that she comes in? I have one more question. Do you remember where these scrapes came from.” she asked in one really long breath and I think that she was trying to get my mind off of the pain. I didn’t know whether or not I should tell what I knew, about the beast and the thought that I was dead, about how where it was like I was in an alternate universe. I thought it through and through and thought it would raise some flags so I just stopped and sat there.

“Um........ No I have no idea where they came from. What did you mean my husband? The last thing that I remember was being at a diner and the line being too long so we left and went to my sisters ranch and had dinner there, that was the last time I rode too. That night me and Jason found out that my sister had a baby on her year long honeymoon.” I answered in a daze. I closed my eyes after she nodded. When I opened my eyes I saw Jason was walking through the doorway to my hospital room. stopped

I looked him up and down. As I looked down at my legs, something caught my eye it was a gold ring wrapped around his wedding finger. I looked down at my own hand and in awe and saw a diamond resting in a notch on a gold band that wrapped around my own finger. There were two of them. We really are married. My eyes started tearing up.

“Hey Jason!” I said now noticing that my door was closed and he was outside in tears talking to the nurse. I started getting so sad, what made him so sad? I hate seeing him cry or even sad. Not knowing why he was like this made it even worse. I started thinking about it even more and it made me fall asleep.

I woke up and felt like nothing ever happened, like life was as perfect as a movie. I still remembered everything, but it felt like it was a dream. The only thing that had changed in the room was the people who were there. Jason was sitting in the recliner in the corner of the room with my sisters baby Macy. I got up and walked over to sit next to me.

“How long was I out?” I asked him. He looked up at me as if he hadn’t seen me walk over to him.

“ About two hours , but I didn’t know that you were awake yet. Your sister is at our house . She has to go on a business trip and I said we could watch Macy for her. You get to leave in about an hour, you will see her then. They are sending you home with some stuff so that your memory will come back faster and they are giving you some stuff for your cuts. Do you know what happened?” Jason asked as I got up to go wash up. He started looking at me like I was a completely different person when I shook my head no. “ I have a thing that I think happened but I doubt that it is true. I will tell you later. You will promise not to laugh or anything about it.” I answered his question in a tone that made him no I really meant what I was saying. I finished grabbing all of my stuff and walked into the bathroom. What truly happened? Why couldn’t I remember for the life of me? It is still me in this body. Right? The things that I was thinking when I started the shower were not the things that you would think I would be I was doubting all the things that were a reality to me, they were all that I knew.

When I walked out of the bathroom, Jason asked me the same thing that the doctor asked earlier. What was my last memory? “ remember the night that we went to my sisters house for dinner because the line at Marley’s was to long? That was the night that we found out she had a baby and I’m pretty sure that you proposed that night to right?” I told him drawing it out and waiting for an answer but I didn’t one. Jason was getting Macy, my sisters baby, ready instead of listening to me and that was making me angry. I walked up to him and gave him a big hug and he did the same. We stayed like this until the nurse walked into the room.

“ oh... sorry guys do you want me to come back later?” the nurse asked turning back around to leave. It has been like 45 minutes since she came in to tell us that they were getting the paperwork ready for me to leave.

“No!” both Jason and I screamed at the same time. What can I say I want to get out of this black whole that they call a hospital.

“ okay then. Well Ally you will have to wait until your doctor tells you that you are cleared to go back to work again,”the nurse paused and handed me a bag.” in the mean time you have to take these everyday two times a day and with this medication you cannot drive or anything like that. Is there anything else that I can get for you before you leave?” the nurse asked and handed me a pen pointing to a line on her clip board for me to sign I would assume.

“ Yes actually can I get a map to leave this freaking hole?” I asked the lady and she looked at me with crazy eyes.

“ Just follow the arrows and then have Jason here help you to your car. Good bye and if you have any questions or concerns go ahead and call your doctor, but you will need to set up and appointment for within the next two months.” answered the nurse pointing at the arrows on the ground.

From that day on I knew that my life would never be the same again.

Walking out into life for the first time in what felt like months I imagined the first time I got up on a horse and in all of the glory of the memory I sat on the curb, just soaking it all in. Jason put Macy in the car and came to sit next to me. He leaned in for a kiss and all I could do was the same thing back to him.

That day may have been the best and the absolute worst day of my life.

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