Chapter 7

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Buck's sickly grin as Luke and Xavior tackled me to the ground. I quickly dropped Eli on the ground and Crasher grabbed her running to a willow tree near the entrance. I growled my ears pinned back and tail under my butt. My butt went low to the ground as I started to open my jaws showing off my canines. They got up on their hands and knees slowly backing away with fright. My jaw flew open more in a snarl as I ran towards them. My snapping jaws echoed around us as I captured their pants in my jaw. Back had by now ran behind some people and inching towards Crasher and Eli. My gaze shot towards them as the zoo gate slowly closed as to not provoke me more than I am. My paws moved me towards them in the silence as the gaurds froze and I heard a audible gulp from Buck. I still had my jaws open but this time in a stressful pant. I was stressed and worried. My labored breathing was hard and not soft and silent like usual. My head spun and the grass looked close as my mind swirled into a jumbled mess as I walked stiffly towards the two other wolves. I was alert still but slightly confused as things went in and out of vision. It was like I was watching myself. My slowly again changing coat was a off black color and my blue eyes shone brightly as I stumbled towards them. My footsteps were stiff and my ears perked as I swayed. My eyes trained intently on Eli. Buck reached out slowly testing me and slowly patted Eli's scruff from under Crasher. Crasher's eyes trained on his every movement that he made. With a subtle pull he was pushed off by a snarling Crasher. Turning my vision from above back to me I made out a snarl and a my pearly whites on view. They sparkled and twinkled in the sun light that was slowly turning pink and yellow.I was higher up than usual as the soft grass blades sheltering the tall brown, stripping bark, musky green leafed, willow tree. My head shook back and forth making slober fly from them quickly with globs of it landing on the gaurds and Buck, Luke and Xavior were sitting on a bench watching what was going down. Was it because of Eli that I was acting this way? Like a protective mother bear? I didn't know. I didn't care. All that mattered was the tiny brown pup beneath Crasher's soft underbelly.I slumped to the ground with a wolf-like groan my eyes fluttering closed but I fought to keep them open. I felt like I was suddenly being pulled back into my body with a extreme pull. Almost as if a roller coaster was speeding towards me at eighty miles per hour and I had to jump to get off, the stairs were close but a few feet away. If you even jumped the wrong way you would be a goner. A no go. My streched my body out as I leapt into my real body with a joyous and mighty growl emiting from deep in my chest.

 My eyes snapped open but my paws seemed to refuse to move. I opened my mouth to howl but all I had come out of me was the protective - yet again - deepish growl which I may add did not sound like a 16-year-old werewolf girl's growl at all. It sounded like if they even blinked I would shred them to pieces and feed them to the Voltucher's. Or the crows, which ever one works. I still could not move and Crasher towered over me with concern with Eli gently hanging from his mouth. She squealed loudly and starting kicking wildly. She obviously didn't like the gentle feeling of gliding on air. As if she would fall. I reached my head up and grabbed her in a grip. It was a comforting grip though, like her real mother. Her wild heart beat slowed to a steady and calm one as my jaws circled around her soft pudgy form. I let out a grunt and took her from Crasher's jaws. He slowly let her go and as I tucked her under my non-moving leg I felt a weight sit on me. Crasher had sprawled across my body. His warm body against my room temp. body. I heaved a sigh against him. Crasher had drifted to sleep feeling my body against him and I started to dose off. That was until I heard Buck slowly approuch my still unmoving body and snatch Eli. She let out a loud cry from being taken away from my arm thrashing around wildly. Her short claws scrapped and scratched at the shocked manager. She had looked so calm to him, so unwild. Take her away from the soft fur of my pelt and this is what happened. Haha! The big oaf. He was a big oaf. Buck had a slow receding hair line, a large bloated stomach, and large hands. Okay so maybe it was a bit mean but come on! He just flipping picked up my pup. From under meMine! There goes the protective mother streak again. I raised my lips at him as my body felt tingly from being under Crasher. I could twich my muscles in my legs and back, not too much though. 

I could feel Crasher roll over and he landed on my grass beside me. I lent over sniffing him for any smell of matalic near him. My nose reached into his fur as I inspected the male wolf. He didn't smell like the matalic smell of blood that everyone gets when they fall. Trust me I would know, I have lived in a zoo my entire life.Having little children fall, scrape their knees, or sometimes even they would be stupid enough to put a hand into a animal's cage. Heck, even the ducks that floated around in a pond near by could injure you. I turned my head towards the small strugling pup who had been taken over to a weigher and once off of that she was poked and prodded. I felt my blood boil as she struggled more. My eyes watched them carefully with a look to kill. If I could I would kill them for touching my pup! Feeling my gaze on a doctor who had touched her too hard he let out a small cry of fear before he made them stop touching my pup. I let out a grunt of pleasure as I heaved myself off of the grass that was suprisingly soft. They dropped Eli quickly half way to me and walked over to our handler's shaking their hands and exchanging a few words. I slowly walked over to her and sniffed her. My breathe blew her soft puppy coat in different directions as she slowly stopped squealing. She knew it is me. I picked her up in my mouth and made a b-line out of the zoo and to the car. They thought it was for the good but they had just made me more protective of the little soft pudgy brown body that I called  my pup.

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