Part 2 the revival

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I wake up in a AT-TE. I look at my shoulder it is covered with a bloody bandage,I look around and quickly realize that I am in one of the 170th AT-TE's.i look and see very few clones a few medics two guards and the pilot then raptor and Priscilla walk in. Raptor says"you alright Ajax?" I respond "yes commander" good we don't need more clones dead then I see gearshift walk in. Commander we lost the front lines. Ok let's go, raptor were is my blaster? No Ajax your staying in bed you just got shot. We're is my blaster? It's in the armoury. Ok I will meet you out on the battlefield.

I grab my blaster and quickly get out of the AT-TE. I get outside and see body's after body's I catch up to raptor and say "I think it was a bad idea to attack this base" yeah" he responds this is were we lost the most points to destroyed gunships and At-te's where's the 501st? I ask this was supposed to be there mission we were told to just hold out but well you were knocked out we were told to take the base and that's what we are going to do.

We get a few minutes ahead of the front lines and start placing mortars and turrets and get ready for an attack then I ask raptor "what happened to my men" he says you are all that's left then all we hear is... HERE THEY COME!

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