LBW: Part Seven

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"Can I open my eyes yet?"

"No, not just yet."

"Geez, I feel like you're leading me into a lake or something."

Wendy chuckled, and she felt as if he was rolling his eyes or something similar. So far, she had been blindfolded, as he lead her somewhere she had no idea. She assumed it wasn't to hurt her or something, but she didn't like the idea of her not being able to see where she was going. It gave her the chills a little, although she would occasionally hint that she did not like this.

"Look, Wendy, I promise to you I'm not leading you into a lake. Lakes are disgusting," Robbie replied.

"They aren't that bad, really," Wendy said. "I think it's awesome how I can walk on the sand and have fish swarm my feet. Plus, snorkeling is so fun."

"See, that's the exact reasons I don't like lakes. There's not a regular cleaning, which means who knows how dirty that water is. And I think fish are gross, and what diseases they might carry if they bite your feet," Robbie said.

"Fish don't carry diseases," Wendy said.

"Not all of them. Some just might. That's hardly my point though, since I still think they're gross. Plus, I think when sand gets between your toes it's annoying and incredibly hard to get out."

Wendy chuckled again. "You're like Pacifica, you know? You both worry about the strangest little things. Like sand between your toes or where you're going. It's weird."

That didn't get a response out of him, but Wendy didn't mind. He seemed to be somewhat preoccupied with making sure she didn't trip over a rock or something similar, or making sure she didn't drown. From the silence, she hoped they would soon be getting closer to their destination, as she was now itching to be able to see where she was. 

"Hey, how much longer do you think we have until we get there?" Wendy asked.

"Not long, we're almost there," Robbie said, helping her over a bump in the path. Just a bit longer then we're there."

For a few seconds, she felt both her feet lifted up into the air, like as if she was jumping or hovering, and she wondered what was going on. It didn't feel as if she was being supported by anything, besides what seemed to be the air.

"Robbie, what's going on?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing," He said, and she felt herself come back down onto the ground with a loud clank.

Almost like she had landed on. . . Metal, maybe? It sounded a lot like metal. The only thing she was sure of was that she wasn't standing on the ground anymore. 

"Sit down," Robbie said, taking her hand and slowly helping her sit, since she could still not see what was happening. She lowered onto the cold ground, letting her legs rest in front of her, and she heard Robbie sit next to her.

"Alright," he said, helping her take off the blindfold, and letting her look up at the sight around her.

Looking around, she suddenly felt the breeze become stronger, as she realized she was sitting atop of some building that appeared to look like some sort of warehouse. 

Wendy looked out at the sight ahead of her, looking at what was the entire town of Gravity Falls, being encased by a bright, warm sunset, the breeze only illuminating it further. She could see everything, from the Archives of Mystery to Greasy's Diner to a huge manor in the distance, and it all seemed brilliant. The town she thought was tiny seemed so much bigger from atop of this place.

"Like what you see?" Robbie said.

Wendy didn't respond at first, letting an amazed looked cross her face and answer for her. When she did speak, it was just in a faint tone, as she didn't want to avert her eyes from the sunset before her.

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