The Language of Mistynese (ch. two)

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Chapter 2: Part Two

Disclaimer - I'm too lazy to try and be creative about this. No, I don't own anything to do with the series, including plots or characters. I just take advantage of them.

Notes - Did I mention that I wrote this fic in 2010? Because that's how old this rag is. Yup.

Oh, also, there's some warning for. . . mature!Ash. Lol. I just wanted to put that out there in the open so nobody can come whining to me about how he isn't like himself.

This fic starts in Johto.


Author - Chibi / Warlordess

Title - "The Ancient Language of Mistynese"

Summary - Ash learns the difference about boys and girls while trying to understand Misty better. And thanks to Brock of all people.


Part Two


A month or so later, Ash was shocked to find that his secret was still just that - a secret. He had been so sure that Misty would follow up on her suspicions, snooping around until she found exactly what she'd been looking for. But she chose to let it go, which made him feel bolder. She wasn't looking for answers because, somewhere inside her, she liked what was happening. Did she want him to keep going?

Their group approached the Whirl Islands very quickly. Before Ash knew it, he and Misty had entered into the Whirl Cup Water-Pokemon tournament, though it wasn't starting for a day or two, so Brock suggested they look around town for supplies and souvenirs for their families back home.

It was when they passed the toy store (one of Brock's brothers was dying to have a Tyranitar action figure) that Misty got distracted.

"Awe, look at them all! Aren't they just adorable?" She shrieked, dragging Brock, Ash, and Pikachu over to an area covered nearly wall to wall in Water Pokemon dolls. She hurriedly snatched up a Squirtle plushie and held it up to Togepi.

"Toki tokeprii!" She said ecstatically, trying to throw herself at the toy as though embracing a new friend. Misty laughed at the adorable sight before putting the Squirtle back and picking up a Chinchou. That was replaced with a Marill, then a Poliwhirl, then a Starmie, Golduck, Dratini, Totodile. . .

"C'mon guys, tell me these aren't the sweetest things ever!" And she held up her newest choice - Seel - for them to investigate.

"Hm. . . well, they look good. The craftsmanship here must be high quality. But," Brock noted after leaning in to see for himself, "these just aren't my thing."

Misty pouted, silently turning to face Ash, but he shook his head and shrugged, not all that impressed.

"Sorry Misty. I just don't see what you see."

Her pout turned into a scowl and she put the Seel back down, spinning around to leave. At the last moment, a Tentacool caught her eye and she bit her lip to keep from squealing. Her fingers brushed against the plush material but she withdrew them almost immediately.

"Okay, sorry guys. Ah, but hey, I think I saw something I could get for my sisters next-door in the window. They had a Clamperl barrette collection. You don't mind if we check it out real quick, do you?"

"As long as there are no more stuffed dolls, anything is okay," Ash laughed as he said it, waving an arm around. They began walking through the isles towards the front door, Misty drifting a little bit behind. It was as they walked through the entrance that Ash happened to hear her mutter to herself when he held the door open for her.

The Language of MistyneseWhere stories live. Discover now