The Language of Mistynese (ch. three)

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Disclaimer - I'm too lazy to try and be creative about this. No, I don't own anything to do with the series, including plots or characters. I just take advantage of them.

Notes - There's some warning for. . . mature!Ash. Lol. I just wanted to put that out there in the open so nobody can come whining to me about how he isn't like himself.

This fic starts in Johto.


Author - Chibi / Warlordess

Title - "The Ancient Language of Mistynese"

Summary - Ash learns the difference about boys and girls while trying to understand Misty better. And thanks to Brock of all people.


Part Three


Ash awoke the next morning to a brisk fall chill and weak sunshine landing right in his eyes. He turned over and ignored the calling of daytime hours until he realized that it was a little too quiet for his liking. And then, of course, memories of the night before flooded his consciousness and he gasped, leaping upright and twisting in all directions.

Team Rocket was gone. . . and so was Pikachu!

"Should've known. . . Should've known!" Ash muttered furiously, sliding out of his sleeping bag as fast as possible. He was on his feet in an instant, turning round and round and gritting his teeth, fists clenched. He bent over and smashed his cap against his scalp, throwing his bag over his shoulder and snapping his PokeBelt to his waist. He shoved his feet into his tennis shoes and stood tall again.

"Pikachu!" He shouted as loud as he could, then turned around again. "Pikachu! Can you hear me?!" He cupped his hands to his mouth and tried one last time, calling out for his Pokemon but to no avail. He didn't know what to do. While he slept, Team Rocket had betrayed their truce and taken off. Who knew how much of a head start they had gotten? Where was he supposed to start looking? What was he supposed to do?

"Pi. . . ?" A muffled voice questioned behind him.

He turned and caught sight of Pikachu slowly marching forward, an apple clutched tightly in his mouth keeping him from openly expressing himself. Knowing that he was back at the campsite, he sat on his hind legs and placed the apple in his front, taking a bite and smiling up at his trainer, happy to see him awake and curious as to why he looked so panicked.

"Pikapi, pikachu pipipi chu pika?"

"You - you're okay. . ." Ash breathed deeply, aware that his knees had almost crumpled beneath him in his grief. Instead he slowly gained the strength back in his limbs and stumbled forward until he had reached his Pikapal's side and sat beside him. His appetite wasn't even awakened at the sight of the healthy looking fruit placed before him. "You are okay, right? Why didn't you answer me then? Where did Team Rocket go?"

"Pikachu pika pika pi chu chu."

"They left. . . earlier?" Pikachu had the grace to stop eating for a moment, the apple held in his mouth again as he lifted a paw and pointed to the other side of the campsite where Jessie, James, and Meowth had slept the night before. Not having a notepad or a pencil at the ready (at least, this was what Ash surmised), they had taken to writing in the dirt with a stick.

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