Numb Ch. 5

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Jayden sat in the prinicipal's office, holding a bloddied rag to his nose as he waited for his father. He'd gotten into a fight. Again. This time it wasn't with one of his many borhters. It was with a vicious, snarling boy named Kahn, who'd had it out for Jayden ever since he set foot in the school as an intimidated freshman.

He bounced his leg impatiently, until he heard the door creak open, and he whipped around to see the prinicipal, looking down at him with a disapproving expression. Dr. Malard moved aside to reveal Ivan Summers, a man no one wanted on their bad side. And he was angry. Very angry.

Ivan did not say one word to Jayden as the principal read him his Miranda rights. Mr. Summers signed a detention slip with a face that said he thought Jayden deserved worse.

At the car, Jayden slid around to the passenger side and opened the door. It suddenly slammed shut.

"I got called out of a meeting," Ivan said calmly. "The most important moment of the week and I get called to your god forsaken school."

Jayden remained quiet. He knew about the meeting; everyone in their family did. Ivan had been talking about it for week, and so, since it was very dear to him, Jayden just had to ruin it.

"Sorry, Dad," Jayden apologized, not actually meaning it. He opened the door again.

"No," Ivan snapped, pushing it closed. "Walk home." He got in the driver's side.

When he backed out, Jayden shouted incredulously, "But it's six miles!"

"I don't see how that's my problem." The tires squealed out of the parking lot, and Jayden was left in the dust.

Although Jayden was exhausted by the time he got home, he managed to shower and make dinner for his ungrateful family. Then he passed out on his bed. He didn't even have time to study for his Calculus test, which he sorely regretted the next day.

He nervously shuffled into his math class, sitting down reluctantly in his assigned seat. When the exam was handed to him, he resisted the urge to lift up his arms and air his pits out. He began and thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad, he knew the first couple of answers. But then he passed number four and sat there for the rest of the period, not being able to fill in any of the blanks. When the bell rang, he contemplated just chucking the 'F' into the trash. He thought better of it, and turned it in.

At the end of the day, he pulled up his hood and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Of course, that just made him more obtrusive.

"Where you going, Va-Jay-Jay?" came the mocking voice of Kahn.

Jayden sighed and turned around. "What do you want, Kahn?"

He shrugged, crossing his arms, a smirk on his face. "Just some fun."

Kahn's gang stood behind him, ready to back up their leader if need be. Class and Octavian had smug looks on their faces. Zeb, a brown haired boy with outstanding wits, just looked annoyed.

"Let's just go," Zeb said, putting his hand on Kahn's shoulder. He shrugged it off.

Jayden attempted to brush past them, but Kahn caught his arm and towed him back, slugging him in the stomach.

"You know," Kahn drawled as Jayden wheezed. "I really hate people like you." He praised the end of his sentence with another hit, this time to the throat. "Pretty boy, rich boy," he spat. "How're you liking this now?" As Jayden rolled onto his back, clutching his neck, Kahn accompanied his insult with a kick to the ribs.

"Cut it out, Kahn," a new voice called above all the others. James Summers leaned against the chainlink fence leading to the parking lot. "We both know a dead prey when we see one." His eyes flickered over to Zeb, then returned to his brother on the ground just as quickly.

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