Toddler years

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"Elsa? Do you wanna go play? Its snowing outside!" Princess Anna said after she knocked on her sister's door. No reply. Anna sighed and walked away. She hadn't seen her sister in a month. Anna had started to wonder why Elsa was avoiding her. "Maybe she doesn't want to play with me anymore because I bugged her to play too much." Anna thought sadly. Anna decided to go and play with her dolls alone. She sat there playing with her dolls for hours. It was her normal activity to pass the time. The king and queen wouldn't let Anna go outside. They always said, "Anna, it's too dangerous. You are young and can get hurt without someone with you.", All she wanted to do is go outside and at least feel the snow.

"Momma?" Anna said during dinner one night. "Yes, Anna?" The Queen replied. "When will Elsa come out?" She asked. The King and Queen exchanged a glance. "Someday." The King simply replied. "Okay.." Anna said sadly.

The day after that dinner, Anna decided to try and sneak outside. "I hope this works." She thought before slipping out the castle doors that lead to the huge backyard. She made it out without being caught. Anna put her hand in the snow. "Snow!!" She thought. About two minutes later a castle guard came outside. "Princess Anna! You know your parents wouldn't want you out here! Get inside now!" He said sternly. Anna sighed and walked into the castle sadly. "Why can't I go outside?" Anna asked the guard. The guard looked down at her and sighed. "It's too dangerous for a little girl like you. When you are older, you can go outside." He told her. "Okay... I'll be waiting for that day!" She said happily.

*Don't know what else to put here. Let's just say after this (^^) Anna does the Do You Wanna Build A Snowman scene thingy. ONTO THE TWEEN YEARS!*

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