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"Home sweet home."

Paul keyed us in just as the rain began to pick up. The four lads darted towards the two couches, trying to compete for the best seats. I stood by the door awkwardly, hanging my coat on a nearby rack.

George must've noticed me hesitating because he pushed Ringo aside to make room for me.

"Thank you," I laughed, taking a seat next to him. Ringo left to look for snacks.

John and Paul started to discuss a set list for their show tomorrow night while I watched the rain drops slide down the window behind me.

"You sure do like storms don't you?"

I turned my head to see George watching me intently.

"More the rain than the actual storm." George nodded and joined in watching the window as well.

Just then, a big bolt of lightning struck over the top of the flats across the street, causing a sudden bang of thunder to sound.

I jumped and instinctively grabbed George's leg.

"I guess it is only the rain you like," he laughed.

"Sorry about that," I awkwardly chuckled and released my grip on the amused boy's thigh.

Ringo came back with a fist full of candy and sat in between me and George. I could've sworn I saw George roll his eyes at the innocent lad, but I was most likely seeing things.

"Well, I don't know about you lot but I'm bored out of my wits." John huffed. He stood up from the chair across from Paul and headed towards a small room next to the stairs.

A few moments later, John walks back out with a guitar. He takes a seat again and pulls a single piece of notebook paper from his coat pocket.

"Written a love note, have you John?" Ringo muffles through his food-filled cheeks.

The lads laugh while John rolls his eyes and opens the paper, setting it in front of himself before picking at a few strings. He looks up for a quick moment, eyes meeting mine.

With a deep breathe, John begins to play and sing.

"I love you cause you tell me things I want to know."

John's voice swept across the room like a spell, enchanting everyone to listen to every syllable that rolled off his tongue.

"And its true that it really only goes to show, that I know that I, I, I, I should never, never, never be blue."

Then John looked up. I had been smiling as he sang, tapping my foot, nodding my head until his eyes met mine.

I can't explain why but something in the way he looked at me made me feel more vulnerable than I've ever been. And I would've brushed it off as me being crazy, if it had not have been for a sudden wave of annoyance to run over Paul's face.

Keeping his stare locked onto me, John kept singing confidently. "Now you're mine, my happiness still makes me cry. And in time you'll understand the reason why."

Not being able to withstand the confused looks from Paul and the way John has singing as if he was actually talking to me, I stood up quickly. John kept playing as I went into the first open door I could find. Luckily it had been a bathroom and not a bedroom since that would be harder to explain my presence in there.

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