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Carter: she woke up

Matthew added Mia to the chat

Aaron: really?! I'm on my way

Matthew: yeah she woke up and started crying. I guess she remembered everything. It was sad. And I also added her back to the chat.

Cameron: this is Lexi, my new girlfriend

Gilinsky: wait how long have you guys been together?!

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Gilinsky: wait how long have you guys been together?!

Cameron: almost a week, why?

Gilinsky: oh no reason...

JJ: ok...well Mia's gets out of the hospital tomorrow

Shawn: Lexi looks familiar🤔

Cameron: really? How do you know her?

Shawn: I'm not sure but I think she was at our hotel last night

Hayes: I wonder what she was doing

Nash: yeah cause Cams at a different hotel🤔

Carter: is she already cheating on you bro?!

Gilinsky: OK I'm sorry...she was in my room last night! We fucked! But she never said she had a boyfriend, so I'm innocent!

Matthew: wtf do you mean you're innocent?! Mia's your girlfriend!!

Gilinsky: yeah, but I thought she was gonna die😅

Cameron: oh well, she was just using me for the money anyway

Gilinsky: I'm sorry man🙁

Nash: don't be saying sorry to Cam, you should be apologizing to Mia

Shawn: she's going to be so heartbroken

Hayes: she was actually happy with you G and you go and cheat on her

Matthew: that's fucked up bro

Mia: wait what?!

Gilinsky: I'm so sorry baby! Please forgive me🙏🏻😭

Mia: I'm not going to have a conversation about you cheating on me in front of our friends! Text me

Text between Mia and Gilinsky

Mia: why?

Gilinsky: I thought you were going to die! And I was really sad, so I got drunk and saw that girl and we just you know...did it.

Mia: Jack, I know you're fucking lying! Shawn told me that the doctors assured you guys that I was going to be fine.

Gilinsky: I guess I wasn't there when he said that...

Mia: that's bullshit Jack! Shawn said that all of you were there, except for Cameron, because it was right when I was admitted!

Gilinsky: what's with all this "Shawn said" shit?! I bet you fucked him when you were with me!

Mia: we've never fucked or kissed for that matter! So stop trying to change the subject! I want to know why you cheated!!

Gilinsky: I fucking told you why!! You're so fucking annoying! I see what Cam was saying now, damn!

Mia: you're not fucking worth it anyway

Gilinsky: you'll come back to me, I know it

Mia: bet bitch

Gilinsky: bet

Meanwhile in the groupchat

Carter: are you gonna break up with Lexi now?

Cameron: yeah ig so

Hayes: we all know that you just started fucking with Lexi cause you wanted Mia to feel bad

Cameron: yeah I did, but I feel bad about everything now

Aaron: are you sure? Cause if you are APOLOGIZE!!!

Cameron: Mia, I'm really sorry for how I've been treating you. I was jealous and angry cause you were with G and I took my anger out on you. Which is so uncalled for. I know that I was totally in the wrong when we broke up and I have been since then. I just hope that you will forgive me because I truly am sorry.

Mia: it's okay Cam, I forgive you. I know you can never take back all the thing you said to me, but I'm just happy that you realized what you were doing. You were blinded by anger and jealousy and you took that out on me to try to get over it. I understand that you weren't acting like yourself and I forgive you😊

Matthew: awwww🤗

Cameron: thank you Mia!😁

JJ: what'd I miss guys?

Aaron: you missed a shit ton of drama😂


Gilinsky: so Mia, are you gonna go back to Cam now like the little slut that you are?

Aaron: Mia isn't a slut G!

Mia: are you going to start acting like Cam cause you're jealous? Cause I'm not taking shit from you! I loved Cam, and I just liked you. I still love Cam, but more as a bestie now😋

Cameron: really?! You love me?!!!??

Mia: yes I do🤗

Carter: awwww!!!😆

Gilinsky: you'll regret saying that me.

QOTC- Are you glad that Cam and Mia made up and are friends again? Also what do you thing G will do to make Mia regret saying that she never loved him?

I hope you enjoyed! Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks!

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