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10 years later: Shawn and Mia

Shawn: 26 years old (singer)
Mia: 27 years old (beauty youtuber/model)
Leah: 10 years old

Shawn: 26 years old (singer)Mia: 27 years old (beauty youtuber/model)Leah: 10 years old

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Location: Toronto, Canada
Relationship Status: Married (8 years)

Mia: "Babe! Can you pick Leah up from school?!"

Shawn: "Yeah I can, what time does she get out again?"

Mia: "Shawn, we've been over this many times. She gets out of school at 3:15."

Shawn: "Okay. you wanna go out on a little date night tonight?"

Mia: "What about Leah?"

Shawn: "She spending the night at her friends house tonight. We've been over this many times Mia."

Mia: "Haha very funny babe."

Shawn: "Aw you know you love me!"

Mia: "I do love you, very much."

Shawn: "Love you too baby!"

Mia: "Now go pick up our daughter!"

10 years later: Hayes and Tia

Hayes: 25 years old (social media star/actor)
Tia: 24 years old (fashion designer)
Vienna: 4 years old

Hayes: 25 years old (social media star/actor)Tia: 24 years old (fashion designer)Vienna: 4 years old

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Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
Relationship Status: Married (4 years)

Hayes: "Hi baby!"

Tia: "Hey babe!"

Hayes: "Oh, I was talking to V."

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