Chapter 3

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Sup ya'll. Golden here. I'm so excited to write my first ever chapter, and as you know it will be from the point of view of Goldenpaw, written by yours truly <3

So along with the chapter written by me, the drawing is also drawn by me, and sorry that I don't have fancy equipment or computers or anything

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So along with the chapter written by me, the drawing is also drawn by me, and sorry that I don't have fancy equipment or computers or anything. All I have is the good ol' paper and pencil. And pen. And color pencils. Never mind, you get what I mean. The above pic is Iceeyes.

So without further ado, Chapter 3!

Chapter 3

Goldenpaw was dreaming.

She dreamed that her wings were mere blurs beside her as she dashed through the sky, relishing in the feeling of the wind flowing through her her white-and-golden tabby fur. Her turquoise blue eyes flashed as she scanned the ground below, paws thrumming to the beat of her wings.

There! She caught a glimpse of fur below, smirking. She had caught Nettlepaw, and this time, Goldenpaw was going to win their game of tag. She yowled in amusement as Nettlepaw sprung from the shrubs, her wings of fire springing out as she burst into the air, desperately trying to get away from her friend.

"You won't get away this time, Nettlepaw!" Goldenpaw yelled triumphantly. She was gaining on the she-cat, coming closer and closer...

Suddenly, Nettlepaw whirled around and flared her wings, making flames burst around her. Yelping, Goldenpaw tried to stop, but it was too late. She fell right through Nettlepaw's wall of fire.

And then she was falling, falling down... and all she could feel was pain as her wings burned around her, feeling her pelt melt right off her skin, eyes rolling back as heat threatened to scorch them right out of their sockets. The last thing she saw was Nettlepaw laughing in satisfaction, eyes suddenly glowing red. Then Goldenpaw's body hit the ground and everything went black.

With a shuddering gasp, Goldenpaw's eyes flew open. Her moss bed was a mess around her and with a prick of guilt, Goldenpaw realized her claws were unsheathed. Trembling, the pretty she-cat looked around, her heart still racing. Outside, the sun was just beginning to peek through the cloud horizon and the night guard yawned and got ready to go to bed. To Goldenpaw's left lay Silverpaw, and to her right lay Flowerpaw and...


Why had Goldenpaw dreamed something so horrible about her friend? Nettlepaw could be snarky and cheeky, but always genuine and kind-hearted.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nettlepaw yawned.

Goldenpaw jumped. She hadn't realized her friend's eyes were half-open. "Er-- sorry. Just lost in thought, I guess."

Nettlepaw noticed Goldenpaw's scrappy bed. "If your bed was bothering you, I'd gladly share mine." She paused and blushed slightly. "That's not what I--"

"It's okay," Goldenpaw purred. Her worries melted like ice in the morning sun. It was just a dream, of course. Nettlepaw would never hurt her. "Come on, I think we're on dawn patrol."

"Great!" Nettlepaw leapt to her paws, tail twitching in excitement.

"I'm not sure why you're excited, but I guess it never hurt anyone," Iceeyes yawned as he stalked in. "I came in to wake you guys up, but it seems you two have done my job for me."

"Are Silverpaw and Flowerpaw coming?" Nettlepaw questioned, glancing at the still-sleeping apprentice.

"No; Dawnfeather and Wishflower were on the night patrol last night and is exhausted. We'll let Silverpaw and Flowerpaw sleep in," Iceeyes explained.

The three cats met up with Goldenpaw's mentor and another warrior named Twistberry, a brown tom with red dapples.

"Five cats for a dawn patrol?" Goldenpaw muttered to Mistywhisker. Her mentor flicked her tail in agreement, but murmured in reply, "With PhoenixClan on the loose, we have to be extra cautious."

"What's this Phony-Clan I keep hearing about?" Nettlepaw inquired curiously.

Iceeyes let out a chuckle of amusement. "PhoenixClan."

"Although phony is a more appropriate name," Twistberry laughed darkly.

"PhoenixClan used to be one of GriffinClan's most trusted and honorable allies," Mistywhisker explained. "Like GriffinClan cats are descended from griffins, PhoenixClan cats are descended from Phoenixes and can turn into the fiery birds. Together, we were unstoppable. But then, we started finding more and more PhoenixClan scents in our territory and prey was going missing. We started becoming frostier towards them, but it all went down in flames when Griffinstar's son-- Hailkit's brother-- was stolen a few moons ago-- with PhoenixClan scent all over the nursery. We caught the scoundrel by the border, but he tossed the kit under the clouds before we could stop him." Grief clouded her eyes and she bowed her head. Twistberry laid his tail on his Clanmate's shoulder. "His wings weren't developed yet and we found his broken body below."

Nettlepaw's eyes were wide with horror and sadness. "That's horrible!"

"And we've been fighting ever since," Iceeyes sighed.

There was a moment of silence where Goldenpaw closed her eyes in grief. Then, all of the sudden, the most peculiar feeling swept over her, as though a wave was crashing down on her and filling her entire body. She stumbled with a gasp, drawing confused looks from her Clanmates. She tried to say something, but her throat tightened as though something invisible was choking her. She struggled to breathe as Nettlepaw and Mistywhisker crouched over her, urgently saying something that Goldenpaw couldn't hear. She collapsed to the ground as the world blurred around her, the lack of air making her dizzy. She could barely see anything when--

There was a cat standing behind the frantic dawn patrol. Pure black with mist unfurling from its red eyes. The weirdest thing was, despite the fact that Goldenpaw's entire world was completely blurred, the cat was clear as day.

He grinned slowly, then blinked and disappeared. With that, Goldenpaw blacked out.

884 words

DUN DUN DUUUNNNNNN... I just love drama, don't you? Sorry for the short chapter guys, my next one will be longer, I promise. Hope you liked it, and reviews absolutely make my day!

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