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  Anonymous said: I had a dream where Stephanie was the president of the United States and what a glorious dream it was. Also for some odd reason all the trees where pink. Like trunk and everything


The sky was green. Very green. Like the sky was water, and had been filled with algae. Stephanie stared out at her glorious land. "We've done it," she happily announced. "I have become the president of the United States."

Behind her the first man stood examining the view. "Do you know what's up with the trees?" he asked.

Stephanie shook her head. "What do you mean?"

"They're pink?"

"I don't get what you mean."

Matthew pointed at the trees out in front of her. "The trees. They're pink. They're supposed to be green."

"Oh right," Stephanie agreed, "Um, they're just cotton candy now, that's all."

"Oh right," Matthew agreed, putting his hand around her. "I really like how things are."

"I concur," she agreed.

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