Chapter 1- A Single Look

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Dusk settled and the stars shone brightly above. The forest was set ablaze only moments before, only to leave burning embers behind. The smoke lifted to the sky; dissipating as the wind carried it away.

Thunderhoof and Clampdown shared the silence between them as they both made their way through the ash remains of the trees that burnt from the fire. Clampdown nervously scuttled beside Thunderhoof as they approached the field where they had a scuffle with the Autobots an hour ago. Thunderhoof looked at Clampdown who cowered in fear. Thunderhoof rolled his optics and continued walking to the centre of the field. The blast from the Decepticon Hunter had left Windblade's cache a huge crater.

He knew that there was nothing that they could salvage. Nothing to bring back to Steeljaw.

"Oh great! The Autobots just blew up their own bunker, along with the energon cubes we need. Now this will make Steeljaw very angry!" says Clampdown upset.

Clampdown kicks the broken pieces of the bunker with one of his crab-like pedes.

"You said we would find something valuable here. But all I see is rubble," mutters Clampdown.

"If you were watchin', one of the Autobots dropped their Decepticon Hunter out there in them bushes somewhere!"

Thunderhoof's face comes to a few inches from Clampdown and he grimaces at him before pointing to a bush to their left. Clampdown's optics turn to look over to the direction that Thunderhoof is pointing his digit at.

"Well what are you standing here for?!Go look for it!" orders Thunderhoof.

Clampdown yelps and scuttles quickly to the bush and searches for the Decepticon Hunter. Thunderhoof crosses his arms and waits for Clampdown to retrieve the weapon.

He was not pleased when Steeljaw appointed Clampdown as his assist to retrieve an important piece in rebuilding the spacebridge. It was almost everything about Clampdown that annoyed him and made him angry. He credit the fact that Clampdown listens well when he is persuaded, but otherwise he was still the dirty snitch that caused him to come to this planet. If he was to payback for what the crab-like Decepticon did to him, there is no doubt that Steeljaw might do the same to him. Steeljaw is another Decepticon to worry about besides Clampdown.

"I found it!" announces Clampdown.

Clampdown raises the Decepticon Hunter to the air and waves it for Thunderhoof to see. Clampdown makes his way to Thunderhoof, who quickly snatches it away from his claw. Thunderhoof inspects the weapon with a pleased smile.

"Boss will be happy that I've found this," says Thunderhoof.

Thunderhoof carefully sets the weapon by his chassis and smoothly transitions into his vehicle mode. Clampdown follows his lead and they drive through the burnt brush. He drives beside Thunderhoof and revs his engine at him.

"What do you mean you found the Decepticon Hunter?! I am the one who actually went searching for it."

"That doesn't count. I am the one who seen it first and you just do as I say," replies Thunderhoof.

"No fair!" complains Clampdown.

Clampdown decelerates and drives from a distance from Thunderhoof. He gives a quick toot of the horn and Thunderhoof ignores him.

Clampdown was getting more on his nerves as every day passes by. Fracture was easy to get along with and so was Underbite. But he couldn't deny that they all had something that bugged him. Clampdown, with his treacherous back-stabbing ways, was definitely one of them.

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