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I ran this part of the story by a friend who said she was practically dying to read more of it. So i hope you guys enjoy :] Comments would be appreciated!

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'Jeremy, come on! We're going to be late for the dance." 

"I know, I know. If i could just focus on getting the car started..." The engine came to life with its quiet humming and blue lights flashing.We both breathed a sigh of relief. He concentrated on commanding the car out of the garage and on its way with his arm on resting on the back of my seat. 

We took the fastest route to the forest trail, where the dance was taking place. It was a party that a bunch of seniors in Jeremy's class were holding. The biggest end of summer party of the year and everyone was going. The majority of our junior and senior classes were going. 

Jeremy parked the car behind a line of other cars near the trail. I'd made sure I wore shoes and not heels to go on the short hike. 

My blue mini dress clung to my body, making me feel clammy in the hot summer night. There was a slight breeze to keep it cool, but that was all. 

I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind my ear. I glanced down at myself. My blue dress matched perfectly with my eyes. Both were a vibrant blue.

Jeremy jumped out of the car, his button-shirt flapping. He was wearing a tight t-shirt under his button-down and jeans. I couldn't deny the fact that he was really good looking with his messy brown hair and easy-going smile. Those sparkling green eyes glanced at me mischievously. 

"Ladies first," he said, gesturing for me to go ahead. I smiled and held tight onto my clutch, following the winding trail with Jeremy behind. 

We weren't the only ones on the trail. There were a few more people ahead of us and some just stepping into the woods behind us, chattering excitedly. 

The party was already on full blast with the music booming and bodies gyrating in the middle of the clearing dancing around the bonfire. On the outskirts of the clearing were coolers loaded with beer and some other refreshments. Makeshift tables were set up covered with different snacks. Half the people were surrounding the food, munching on chips and gossiping. 

Jeremy left me to go grab beer with his friends while I walked around the outside of the clearing searching for my friends. 

All of a sudden a man that looked to be about in his early twenties appeared in front of me. I almost screamed. 

"What the hell!" I whispered loudly. The man flashed his white teeth at me. He was wearing a white collar shirt with the first few buttons open, showing his chest. His dark jeans were ripped at the knees where they faded just a little. 

'Go away Zane. I don't want you here," I said walking around him. 

"I was just wanted to take you to your friends," he said innocently as he ran his fingers through his long brown hair. 

"Yeah, well you're making me look insane, some girl talking to herself. Please just show me where they are and leave? We can hang out at my house later." 

He gave me my favorite smile and then disappeared. He reappeared across the clearing, hovering over a bunch of juniors and pointing down at them. I walked casually over to them until they noticed me. 

"Ariella! We've been waiting for hours." Caelyn pulled me into a hug and released me. He black sequined dress was shimmering in the firelight making her seem like she was glowing. She handed me a bottle of beer which I took a long drag from. 

"I'm going to go dance." Fay said and without waiting for a response she jumped right into the crowd, dancing with some random senior. 

Caelyn and I glanced at each other before following Fay's lead. We ended up dancing with two really hot seniors. I vaguely recalled the name of the guy I was dancing with. Jake something or other. He was taking long drags of his beer while dancing, his arms around my waist.  

Jake was passing me the bottle when Zane materialized before me and whacked the bottle out of my hand. He had a slightly angry look about him. I glared at him before turning to Jake and apologizing about dropping the bottle.  

I wasn't sure how drunk he was but I don't think he really cared. He pulled me closer to him dragging me to a table emptied of food. He set me down on the table, wrapping my legs around him. My arms circled his neck and he placed his hands on my waist. Jakes lips met mine and then we were kissing ferociously. 

I think I was drunk. I was sure I hadn't had more than one bottle but maybe that one bottle did it. 

Jake and I were glued together, our bodies pressed tightly. No one said anything but then I was sure half of them were drunk enough not to care. He pulled me even closer if that was possible. My hands forced their way into his hair, pulling at his head. He was practically carrying me at this point. We were so lost in each other I wasn't sure how we even started. 

And then I had this sudden urge to open my eyes. I was looking into eyes that were dripping dark red blood. The top of his head looked as if it was ripped open, revealing a cracked skull with maggots. The lips I was kissing was suddenly sharp and feeling as though they were cutting mine. I screamed and shoved the body away from me, hitting my head on the table behind me in my hurry. 

"What's wrong Ariella? Don't like kissing me?" The body asked. I tried backing away but the table was still in my way.  

His skin was peeling off to bare the bones and flesh underneath. His mouth was grinning maliciously at me and I could see bugs crawling inside. I shrieked which brought me back to my senses. Instead of trying to back up over and over, I ducked out of reach of his open arms and ran around him back towards the trail, tears pouring down my face. 

Everyone was shooting strange glances at me, wondering what the hell was wrong with me. I heard my name being called a few times but I ignored it and continued down the trail, taking a sudden veering turn to the left. 

I heard people shouting my name again, trying to find me. I found a fallen oak tree and dropped down onto it. My hands covered my face, hiding the tears that wouldn't stop tumbling down my face. 

A hand rubbed my back in circular motions as a way to calm me down. I shrugged it off and found Zane standing opposite me, a serious expression on his face, for once.  

"Go away, Zane! You're ruining my life!" I yelled at him. He didn't listen, just stood there. 

"It wasn't like Jake wasn't going to ruin it either. I'm just protecting you Ariella. You know I care about you, I always have," he admitted. I didn't look at him but I knew he was kneeling on the ground. 

His hand reached out to lift my chin but I moved my head away. He tried again and this time caught my face in his hands. Zane brought his face closer to mine. 

"Haven't I always been here for you, Ariella?" he whispered. I didn't bother giving him an answer. "I can't help protecting you." 

That got to me. "Who said you have to protect me? Do you have some higher orders telling you that I have to be kept from other people? That I can't have a boyfriend or a social life? Is that it?" 

He looked away from me. "You have a social life, Ariella. Aren't those girls your friends?" 

It was my turn to turn away now. And then I turned back with a fierce glance. 

"That doesn't mean you have to butt in with my guy problems. Bugs? Skin falling off? Is that what you'll do to everyone I meet?" 

I stood up and stomped my way out of the small area, walking away from him. He was in front of me again and his facial expression was sad now. 

"I didn't mean for you to get scared like that. I just- I didn't- I was-." He caught himself then took a deep breath before continuing. "I was just trying to protect you," he murmured. Zane mustered up as innocent an appearance as possible. I was going to let it go but I wouldn't forgive him for this. 

"I'm going back to the party. Just go home." I trudged back towards the trail trying to relax myself so people wouldn't ask questions. I was already seen as crazy in their eyes by this point. I shot Zane one more glance. 

"Don't follow me, Zane," I warned, but he was already gone.

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