Prologue XD

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Hi, it's imawaterbender and this is my first story!!! I have been meaning to create a bxb story because its been on my mind for awhile. So I'll try my very best!!!! Wish me luck!!!

Also this is bxb or boyxboy and if you don't know what that means, you probably shouldnt be reading...

So enjoy <3

~~~~11 years ago~~~~

I felt the soothing warmth of the sun against my skin. Chasing the glowing boy in front of me. He looked like he was apart of the light, smiling and laughing, his eyes twinkling with joy, looking back every once in a while, checking if I was still there. Which i was, I never left.

I pant loudly, frantically trying to puff more oxygen into my lungs as my feet pound into the ground, pushing off with force with each stride as I sprint as fast as I can.

His joyful laughter rings in my ears, like a sweet but taunting melody. encouraging me to charge faster and harder. The tall piney trees becoming a blur with wind stinging our faces. All I could see was the orange blob in front of me never getting closer.

"Jake!!" I shout wondering where the heck we're going. He waves his hand motioning to follow and I do. I dart after my best friend for what it seems like ages before he abruptly stops and I halt to a stop right next to him.

I brace my hands on my knees as I regain oxygen, clearly winded from running for a long time. My heart was pounding, my head ringing.

"Tired?" He asks grinning, his eyes glittering like emeralds. His hands on his hips, cheeks flushed from exhaustion.

"Just as tired as you" I retort sharply noticing the puff of air emitting from his mouth. His grin widens but he says nothing. I look around to see where we are and I realize that I had no idea. The forests looked very unfamiliar and felt odd. I turn to ask jake about our location, but he was gone. Where did he go?

I hear a whoosh from another side and in a flash I turn around to see Jake lunging at me, hands open to grab me. We collapse on the ground, him pinning me down.

"I win!" He hollers. A triumphant look on his face.

I scoff and effortlessly shove him away.

"In your dreams!" I shout back. He regains balance and shoves me back. We start tackling each other, fighting for dominance, yelling at each other about who won. rolling around in the dirt knowing our parents would scold us for getting dirty but we didn't care.

Small punches soon become feverous tickling and pokes and soon we are rolling on the floor hooting with laughter.

We lay on the ground in silence, staring up at the treetops for a few minutes enjoying each other's company alone without anyone else. No one to bother us with anything. A pious, peaceful moment among the turbulent events that surround.

"We both win?" He asks breaking the silence. He turns himself so he faces me. and I look back at him and smile.

"Nah, we both know I won." I snicker and his jaw drops.

"No! we both won!" He whines. Slapping my arm.

"Ok, I guess we both win..... But mostly me" I say, murmuring the last words loud enough for him to hear. He snorts and shakes his head smiling widely.

"Come on, I have something to show you" he said, changing the subject.

He hops up, brushing himself off. He reaches out for my hand and I graciously take it as he pulls me up to stand. One hand held mine while the other hand covers my eyes, telling me to close my eyes.

Instead I open them with his hand over my eyes, hoping to see where he'd be taking me. My eyelashes curling up against his palm.

"Close your eyes." He tells me softly. I can feel how close he is from his hot breath blowing in my face.

I reluctantly obey and shut my eyes. He starts to walk, pulling me along, leading me to wherever; I didn't care any more. I never cared about anything when I was with Jake.

We trekked on for what seemed like forever before I felt him stop. Distant chirping of birds and the buzzing of bees surrounded me. I could feel the warmth of the sunlight on my skin.

"Ok now open." His voice calm but holding back excitement. His hand squeezed mine in anticipation. I smiled and opened my eyes.

I gasped. It was out of this world.

A vast meadow with rolling hills that seemed to stretch on forever. The crisp grass was blossoming with bright and vibrant flowers that were bursting with color. The place seemed to be lit by a dazzling radiance that was everywhere. Small animals hopped around. It was like a fairy kindgom. so serene; so magical. It was beautiful.

I gaped, speechless. It stood out from the inky forest and was just perfect.

"Wow" I breathe out. I could feel Jake's eyes on me the whole time, eating up my reaction with great pleasure. a wide grin on his lips.

"I know, I found it a few days ago" he replies nodding, proud of his discovery. I look over at him and grin. He nudges me and I sling my arm around him and we stare at the scenery before us for awhile in awe.

Grabbing ahold of my now clammy hand, he pulls me towards the towering tree in the middle of the meadow.

It's leaves were a gorgeous vibrant green, glowing beneath the sunlight with its array of branches spread apart as if opening up to those who sit here. It provided comfortable shade beneath the blazing sun and was a perfect place to take a nap.

He sits down and pats the spot next to him. I sit down beside him, leaning my back against the tree like his, gazing out into the scenery once more.

We sit quietly for a few moments, soaking up the beautiful surroundings and enjoying the tranquil and merry moment as long as we can.

In a few minutes, we would leave and act indifferent to the times spent together. Pretend to be strangers in front of others. Act as enemies, conjuring up negative emotions towards one another when it was in fact the opposite.

We never uttered where we spent our passing time nor confessed the secret emotions buried within us, threatening to burst out in slightest thought.

We went home that evening, our separate ways. beaming smiles adorned; never leaving our faces as we got home that day, carrying the secret that lied within them.


So I hope you like the prologue!!!! it was short,

Anyway, if anybody reads this story , thanks so much! I'm not expecting too many reads.

imawaterbender out!!!

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