Problems, Problems, Problems!

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"Ok, ok. I'll stop teasing you!" I backed off from him and grabbed the nearly melted ice-creams, "We might want to finish these, don't ya think?" I held out his ice-cream and he took it, still hiding under his hood. He muttered a polite thanks towards my way and began to eat the ice-cream. My mind started to work as I watched him with the ice-cream millimetres from his mouth.

If the ice-cream was served by Aisha, someone who fought in the war.

Aki also fought in the war.

He fought on my side of the war.

The coat that I'm wearing is a similar colour.


"Wait!" I yelled. He looked at me curiously, then continued to take his first bite and ignoring me.

"Damn it!" I cursed, as Aki continued to look at me curiously. I knocked the ice-cream out of his hand and it landed on the grass with a splat.

"What was that for?" He stated, then coughed harshly. Turning to him, I saw that he had his hand over his mouth, "What was in that?"


"Kiriu... I can't... Move my legs..." He struggled to speak as he began to tip forward. "It's alright Aki. It's going to be fine! Just, lean towards me!" I stressed as his face grimaced with what could only be pain as he started to struggle to even move his arms around me.

"It... hurts..." I gripped him around his waist as his head tipped over my shoulder, "What... was... that?" His speech became slower with every word.

"Ok, ok! Just, stay awake for me, ok? Can you do that, Aki? Aki?" I freaked out. His full weight, which felt like a sack of potatoes, was completely on me, "Why do you have to be so heavy?" I groaned, despite knowing that Aki couldn't hear me.

"You fell asleep, didn't you?" I waited a few seconds for a response of any sort before I answered myself, "You did. I can't believe it."

I decided to flip myself over so that my back was facing his chest, moving his arms around me so that he was hugging my neck, then I hoisted him up giving him a piggy-back ride, "You're still heavy this way, you know?" I softly chuckled. His chin softly tapped against the top of my head as I walked around the secure area, looking for another exit than the one that goes by Aisha's stall.

"How did she figure it out, though?" I mumbled as I looked around, "Did she just base it off of her gut feeling?" I continued as I found another exit on the opposite side of the area. The exit was slightly more secret and dense in bushes.

"The things I do for you..." I said as I walked through the exit, not caring if Aki got hit a few times in the head.


I was surprised the most at how his hood didn't get caught in the branches or sticks and fall back. It was almost as if the bushes themselves didn't want to get caught, so they avoided his hood. Huh, must be a fire element thing. I headed around the now-shutting marketplace until I recognised a few stalls from earlier. I then found myself at the middle of the Square, admiring the statue.

Remembering that I still had an unconscious Aki on my back – who surprisingly didn't feel like a sack of potatoes any more –, I looked around for the street that we came from. However, they all looked similar to each other and I ended up becoming very lost.

"Hey, looking for something?" A new voice echoed through the closing marketplace. I looked around to try and find the source, but there was no-one that was even looking at me.

"Where are you?" I asked, still moving my head around and becoming dizzy very quickly.

"Right behind you." The voice answered. I turned around and there was a girl looking straight at me. 'How did I manage to miss her?' I thought as she moved towards me, her hand resting on her hip as she stood in front of me.

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