I Miss You

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He yawned again, slightly thinking that his sleepiness had won over him, but that feeling never really struck him down. He is tired. His tight schedules since the sun rises until it sets back seem to have no end, and it had absorbed all of his energy until he feels quite numb. He is tired. He wanted to go back to where his best friends are, go back to where he once were, which had to be left behind under the name of consequences and professionalism of what he has been doing so far.

He has gone this far. It's hard to turn back the time when consequences had taken over his life. And if he could go back, seems that it won't change anything as he has already announced as one of the winner. He knew that coming back to where he once were after becoming the winner will only give stains toward his name and reputation.

The 23-years-old man sighed in exhaustion. His hand stretched out to reach his grey smart phone that being abandoned in the edge of his bed. Noticing the quietness, he looked around. His roommates had all given up to their tiredness. They have all fallen asleep. He chooses to take a glance on his wallpaper. His heart warms up. He caresses the picture of 5 persons with different expression on his wallpaper. He then realizes something: He misses home. He misses being there, surrounded by his best friends who more likely feel as his family now. He feels since the announcement of the winners of the survival program almost a year ago, something had been missing from his life. It was the moment when he realized that he was the only one survived among his best friends. He was the winner among his best friends. He remembered that he usually spend a lot of time with them, always laughing together. They always make him laugh and come back to his sense every time he feels burdened. That day, he saw them all crying, but they also congratulate him for winning the program. For the first time in forever, he feels that ever since that day, he was going to lose his best friends and family due to his responsibility.

Those warm feeling in his heart replaced by sorrow. He doesn't want to be drowned in the following sadness, so he looked for another picture in his phone's gallery. He wants to proceed to another picture when his hand stops moving at one picture. He looked at that picture carefully. Ah.. this kid, how is he doing now? His fingers are eager to look for more pictures of him and his best friends -something he usually does when he misses them a lot-, but his movements all stopped there. His mind went back to the memories of the boy in his embrace in the picture: Yoo Seonho.

His mind played all the memories he had about the younger boy. How the boy hugged him powerfully but did that with all his heart, the way he called him which sounded a little annoying yet funny, how the boy tried hard to get close to him whenever he knew they were together in a room or session, how the boy told him sadly that he could no longer see him often after the program ended in the last day of its episode..

Then it hits him. He realizes that during the program he was not alone. His best friends were there, of course, but he knew that they were all fighting for themselves. Meanwhile, this boy was fighting for himself, but he now understood that he was also fighting for him because the boy said he loved him.

The 23-years-old man closed his gallery and go to his browser, he wanted to know how the boy is doing. He froze at a moment, confused at why he chose to look up for the boy instead of his best friends. He tried to recall what his supposed-to-be-group was doing. They had their comeback without him, and their label had many solo activities assigned to his best friends. Some activities to spend the time during his absence, he thought. And there is one thing that made him continue to look up some information about the boy: he hadn't heard much about him other than vague news from his label mates who is also a winner.

He is drowned with his research. He feels himself smiling proudly knowing that the boy is planned to debut with his own group along with his other label mates next year, also can't help but giggles in amusement when he knows that the boy is still talking about him so often in many interviews. Do you really like me that much, hm? He thought, still with his proud yet amused smile. He enjoys his time take a look on the boy's photo shoot results for many magazines and events until his eyes caught a glance of the clock in his phone. My body also needs some rest, however, he thought.

He put his phone on the edge of his bed after setting the alarm first. I still 4 hours to sleep, he thought, staring up to the dim ceiling above him. His roommates' calm breathing can be heard from the bed across him. He also wanted to join them in the dream land. Taking his blanket towards his chest, he realizes that he has to find some spare time to go home and take some rest there, in the place which once was so familiar to him. And also one thing that made him wondering upon himself: he missed the boy. He wanted to feel his presence, hearing his annoying yet funny calls, and feeling his embrace which sometimes really makes him choke.

He wrapped himself with the blanket. He closed his eyes, hugging the edges of his blanket as if he is hugging someone. One thing is obvious: tonight, he missed the boy.

Hwang Minhyun misses Yoo Seonho. A lot.


Hola, everyone! How was this very first chapter? Actually, this is the English version of my previous TIME which is written in Indonesian (You can find it here https://www.wattpad.com/story/115499685-time) . It's been a very long time since I write anything like this. College has got me so busy zzzz. Anyway, I'll try my best to provide this story updated in both language, and I'd like to know your responses about it so, please kindly vote and leave comments below. Thank you^^


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