"Hyung, I Miss You. A Lot."

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Those flashes of the cameras keep going on unstoppably. The photographer seems so busy yet happy at the same time taking the pictures of the members' poses that change every five seconds. Six members looked so serious checking their photo shoot results, meanwhile the other five are still busy trying different kind of poses as directed by the photographer.

"Seongwoo-ssi, lift up your chin a little bit- yeah, good! Hold on... Nice!"

"Jaehwan-ssi, I think your smile is way too bright! Loose it a little bit, again, nah- now, look at the camera as if you want to swallow it right here right now,"

Six people at the edge of the photo shoot area immediately burst out laughing uncontrollably meanwhile the other (unfortunate) five people are trying hard to hold their laughter as they have to keep their poses.

Hwang Minhyun is one of the five (unfortunate) people who have to struggle hard to hold their laughter. He let out a silent giggles and silently thanking God for his pose which is facing his right and draws a slight smile. He thought that he had given a little bit luck compared to his four friends who had to face the camera directly with different facial expression -which is mostly serious expression, so they can't crack even a smile- including Seongwoo who had to face his left but he had to look straight to the camera as well. He let out another chuckles even though he had to try super hard to keep his lips together.

"You both look fine, oh- Jisung-ssi, turn to your left slowly, slowly.. okay stop! Hang on.."

"Minhyun-ssi... you're good, okay, stay still! Now, focus, everyone. 1, 2.."

Not a single day passed without at least a camera, seems like that is a good sentence to describe the popularity of this new boy group with eleven members who are the winners of a survival program that once had 101 contestants. Several photo sessions for today, continued by interviews for magazines-television programs-radio programs the next day, doing fan-signing events, and giving several performances that sometimes only last for 20 to 30 minutes but had successfully drawn the attention of half of South Korea's citizen to come over and fill the venue with their loves and supports. They really are in their edge of glory.

They have just finished performing one of their hit song entitled 'Energetic' and now Daehwi, one of the members is greeting their fans who seems to have great training and supply of vocal cords because they have been screaming and shouting for their favorite member's name hysterically.

"Hello, Wannables! Are you having fun today?"

Two short sentences flow out from Daehwi's mouth and greeted by lots of "yes" shouting here and there.

"I'm curious about something. Who are you cheering for today?"

This time, it's Jinyoung who teases the fans with a simple question but once again, it successfully drives the fans crazy because they keep shouting their favorite member's name enthusiastically.

"Whoa.. seems like you're all really high-spirited today. Anyway, thank you so much for coming here today, my Wannable!"

Hwang Minhyun smiles in joy and waving his hands while his eyes are busy scanning the whole room until it stopped in a banner. The banner says: 'Hwang Minhyun x Yoo Seonho. I love you!' And his smile faded for a second before coming back unwillingly.

The performance is continued. This time, they sing 'Officially Missing You' accompanied by Kim Jaehwan's sweet and tuneful guitar passages. The fans are swinging their light stick in the same direction while singing along to the song in certain parts.

What a beautiful view, he thought, gazing wistfully to the sea of human in front of him that has turn into a sea of stars because of the distinct twinkles of the light sticks. His mind went back to the previous concerts he had with his best friends. Ah.. de ja vu, he thought silently while looking at Sungwoon who is now singing to his part next to Jaehwan .

And here comes his part. He sings carefully with all his heart, trying to express his yearnings through the song.

"Well I wish that you would call me right now

So that I could get through to you somehow

But I guess it's safe to say baby safe to say

That I'm officially missing you"

Daehwi is taking care of the next part meanwhile the 23-years old man is taking his gaze around the venue once again. Now, he caught several banners with his name and the younger boy's name together, and some of them even had their pictures in it. His lips cracked into a soft smile. Are you coming here, too, Seonho-ya?

The song is almost over. Jaehwan's guitar passages sounds so smooth yet leaving a sweet impression in everyone's ears. He is waiting for the last chorus which has to be sung together by all of the members while once again waving his hand and looking around the venue. He tried his best to avoid banners with his name-the boy's name-and his best friends' name written on it because he is afraid that his yearnings will take over and he might ends up crying or stuffs. He decided to look for another view until his gaze locked in a pair of eyes that are looking back wistfully at him.

He sings the chorus together with the other members, but his voice is not coming out properly- he is choked. Oh, he is lucky enough because this last part was sung together so he could simply do some lip-syncs while keeping his gaze to those eyes. He blinks several times, making sure of what he just saw. And he is not dreaming. The younger boy is there, standing with his soft smile and hopeful gaze in the middle rows. Still in his surprise, the man found his voice back in the end of the song.

"And I'm officially missing you..."

This time, he sings without taking his gaze away. He sings for someone who lately has been staying in his mind and made his heart pinched a little while looking straight to his eyes.

The song ended. The boy nods, smiling blissfully and cheering proudly for him. Hwang Minhyun is still faithfully lays his gaze on the younger one. He sighed, and a wide smile curved in his lips after receiving a silent message from the younger's mouth. He waves his hand and throws his sweetest smile to the boy before joining his teammates who has been leaving to the backstage.

That silent message keeps running round his mind. Simple, but quite meaningful. He wipes away sweats in his forehead while turning left to face the mirror. He tried to recall Seonho's shadowy expression earlier and say the message out loud: Hyung, I miss you. A lot.

He feels his stomach churning. His heart warms up a little, but now it is different. He reaches out for his phone that had just given back by the manager. His hand eagerly moves, looking for the pictures of the younger boy and just stare at them in silence. His lips curved into a small smile while proceeding to the next photos.

Nice to know that you're okay, Seonho-ya. I do.. miss you, too, kid.


Hello, hello!

First of all, I'd like to apologize for taking quite a long time in updating this third chapter because I've been having writer's block :(

So, how was this chapter? I hope you like it and please stay tune for the next update. I will try my best to update this story regularly like every once a week, or maybe every two weeks.

Lemme know if you have any comments or suggestions. I appreciate that a lot!

Thanks for reading, my readers! :)


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