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I squirm against the worn leather, my breath coming out in short gasps as I lie trapped beneath the imposing body that all but crushes me into the cramped back seat. His thigh muscles clench rhythmically between my own, echoing the primal pulse redoubling in my core.

My wrists ache from where he grips them tightly over my head, pinning me down. The glint of the wedding band on his left finger winks at me, a ruthless reminder of why this is wrong. Why I shouldn't crave this...crave him with every cell in my body screaming otherwise. My hips arch helplessly closer as if pulled by magnetism rather than choice. I squeeze my eyes shut, willing away the rioting sensations, the shards of longing threatening to pierce through my resistance. Fighting not to betray the part of me that burns for more. His ragged exhale tells me the battle is already lost. Even the harsh drum of my heart slamming in my chest can't drown out his delicious, menacing voice.

"You're mine." Like a fact of life, he says it so easily. Too easily. "Do you understand?"

I shudder at the cruel endearment, tears instantly springing forth. Flickering shadows dance across my clenched eyelids from a street lamp nearby, taunting me with freedom that feels impossibly out of reach. I want to cry out. To say no. To tell him yes.

But when I open my mouth, his forceful lips crush mine, devouring the pathetic sounds.

His kiss matches the hunger in those haunting blue eyes I've come to both desire and dread since the first time they caught mine. Ensnared them and never let go. He consumes my whimpers with unmatched greed, pulling my lips between his teeth.

I try to turn my head away, unable to withstand his ruthless gaze. His dominating mouth. Only to have his grip tighten. "Look at me."

The quiet command forces my eyes open. Heat slashes through me at the hunger carved into his face. Ice blue eyes cutting through the dark shadows. I recognize that terrifying craving, have felt it unleashed on my body before during stolen, fragmented moments of ecstasy I can never take back.

"We can't...I-I can't..." My pathetic protest dies as his free hand trails up my leg, leaving gooseflesh in its wake. I inhale sharply, loathing his ability to play my body like a fucking piano.

Our tangled history flickers through my mind—helpless euphoria interwoven with ravenous lust and terror, lines crossed and drawn anew, my soul scorched by ice but passion reignited every time. I despise what he does to me, how he makes me feel. Weak. Desperate. Captivated. But the stubborn flame continues to burn for him nevertheless, no matter how hard I try to snuff it out.

My thoughts scatter as he rips my flimsy dress in one harsh motion, baring more of my skin to his relentless assault. I know I won't be able to withstand him again, won't survive the shattering climax of our twisted intimacy even one more time.

"Please don't do this!" The strained cry finally escapes my raw throat. He stills for one startling moment, eyes gleaming perilously.

A sharp crack of lightning cuts through the darkness, mirroring the white-hot fire now racing through my veins as his hands resume their conquest of my vulnerable body. This is happening, I realize in wanton despair. He will take what isn't his to own until there is nothing left of me. I choke back a sob, the sound morphing into an unwilling moan as my traitorous hips arch desperately into his touch. And the damning words I swore I'd never utter again spill unchecked from my lips in breathless surrender.

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality: New Adult Enemies-to-Lovers RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now