My summer school

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So I just know what to do in here. Well, it took 3 hours or more to just think of what to do in this stupid piece of crap. Anyway, im telling u about my summer school.

Ik some of u would be like, "summer school? Seriously? Ok, im out." Or something like that. Well, like i said, im doing this because im BORED and not for ENTERTAINING PEOPLE. Haha, sorry. Idk why i typed sorry but who cares. And like i said again, this is BORING TOO soo if it's too boring for u, then read another book or stay here or something. It's u to decide, not me.

Anyway, I'll be doing summer school for 2 weeks. And right now is the...

God, i forgot what day is it today. Oh wait, it's... if im not mistaken, it's the 8th day. Soo 6 days left i guess.

So about my summer school, i thought it would be something... idk. Boring and learning stuff just like that and just... yeah, u know what i mean. I mean, u SHOULD know what i mean. Sorry if i put that word on capslock. Meh, dk why i did that but whateves.

But it was pretty fun actually. The teacher is nice but she said, "sometimes, students got scared because of me. Well, i am a prefec (dk how to spell it) and-" goes on until she said we have to introduce ourselves. Then we didn't study. She said we will study tomorrow which is a week ago. And the stories goes on very well. But there is something that... idk.

Well, there is one boy, ONE BOY, who is KIND OF ANNOYING (sorry, but this might be a little offensive). So lets just called him x.

Ok, so, if my friends are reading this, they should know a boy named S***o. And they know his personality. Which is funny for them and me. But sometimes, me and the others can get annoyed because of his dumbness. His tecnhically not stupid but sometimes his dumb. And he ask to many questions. Like this.

"So, if it's a negative and a negative, that means the result should be negative." Said the teacher.

Then he raises his hand. "Yes, s***o."

"Why does it have to be negative?" Ask s***o. Most of us would facepalm and most of us would just stay calm. Cause we thought he doesn't understand.

"Well, u see, cause this has the same sign, so the answer would have the same sign."

"Yeah, but why?" He asked again. And this is where we thought 'cause it's the same.' Or 'dude, just follow with it. Don't ask.' Or 'cause if u do the- agh! Whatever.' Or something like that.

And he will keep asking until he got his answer or if the teacher said "look, lets just do it later, k?".

And x is the same. Like, omg dude it's too easy. I mean, some of us wouldn't understand but not like that too. And s***o is quite understandive (dk if thats how u spell it lol). He asks little things but easily undertsands it.

Soo, for me, i think he should improve his understanding skills cause this school is an international school where of course, there would be smart ones. A LOT. And it's like a competition who can get the highest score and that and that and bla, bla, bla...

Sooo it will be hard for me to be on top. But i will try.

Well, yah. So about him. We can waste 30 minutes or more for him to understand something. And yah. He really needs improvements on understanding skills, speed (cause he is quite slow), english too, and other things maybe.

But he is not the only one who needs to improve. Me too actually. My understanding skill is quite good but still not enough, my speed is quite fast enough to beat the ones who are slow and not that smart people (no offense). But it can't beat the ones who are far more smarter than me. Then my english too. I kind of been a little bit weak on my english. So of course i will learn more. And other too.

Opps, sorry if i was talking about something that mostly some of u wouldn't want to read it or felt bored.

Anyway, yeah. I think thats it.

Oh wait one more thing. Or two.

My school actually starts at 24 July. Hehe, so my school starts a little bit late than my friends.

And btw my other account will be on at 14/15 July. And i will start playing zgirls again on 15 July. Well, there are reasons why i would play at that date but i'll tell u later. But of course none of u would have interest on that (well maybe. Idk).

Well, im typing to much.

Oh wait one more thing again!

I am wanting to make a new cover for my book on my other account. But because i dont have the app on my tablet soo i make the cover on my phone. But, my email here seems not working or something. Idk why but that means i have to put a link or something here. Which is just for me of course. Well, i'll do it once i have my tablet back. Im just letting u know.

Well, baaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii

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