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[MAR 16, 2005. 3:04 PM]

Dear Henry,

I think something's wrong with Will. He's been acting...weird lately. His hair is all frazzled up and his eyes are bleeding red. I don't know what's up with him lately, but I think I may have an idea. Here are some ideas that popped into my mind:

1. He is on some sort of drugs, like methamphetamine.
2. He's just mentally insane.
3. He can't get over something in his childhood.
4. He's a smooth murderer.

Do you know what's happening to him? The last few days he's either been shaking like he has a stroke, or drawing some type of rectangle. Your child, Charlie, should definitely know what's been going on with him. I heard she's been awkward around her friends in college. She and the chief had 6 bodies found in the last few days right here in Hurricane after what they call "The Storm". The Storm really crushed that neighborhood. I hope your house survived The Storm, Henry.

From, John.

[MAR 25, 2005. 1:19 PM]

Dear Henry,

Afton actually came to work today, surprisingly, but he's gone more insane than usual. His papers filled up one of the party rooms, and his drawing resembles something horrid.

His drawings are like some sort of creature like a mouth with tentacles. Some of these drawings have too many rectangles on it, somewhat like doors. Other drawings are the ones from birthday parties, company documents, and blueprints for some sort of twisted creatures. The first blueprint looks like a bear with a bunny puppet, but there's some sort of child in it, I don't know what for. The second one looked like a fox, similar to the one we stored in Charleston, with a fox head and wires. The last one looked a bit too....human.

It looked like a girl with pigtails, a skirt, had rosy cheeks and a realistic nose. She had a microphone in her hand and some sort of speaker from her chest area. Afton said that her name was Circus Baby and that it was meant to give ice cream, but I think otherwise.

Whenever I come, he starts acting normal, but when I leave, he's just crazy. Can you send some operative to check on him and get a mental therapist or something like that? Thanks.

From, Jesse

[APR 17, 2005. 11:34 AM]

To whom it may concern,

The Hurricane Police Department has noted that Fazbear Entertainment is considered a possible enemy against the people of Hurricane. Here are some recent "mistakes" that we have found within your company:

1. Murder (mostly) | 2. Rotten (possibly poisonous) environment

We put your company on watch because of the dangers that can possibly occur. Please consult with your local bank to discuss terms about your company. If you do not fix these mistakes by APR 30, 2005, your company will be sued for possible murder and horrid environments. As you have been sued before, the consequences will be more dangerous.

From, the Hurricane Police Department

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