The small, young blue heron wriggled under the lush blue blanket. She and many others were in a small shack near the edge of a abandoned land, each crammed in a small cot or bed.
She wasn't exactly sure had she had gotton their in the first place. The truth is, her mother, Sky, had abandoned her, too engrossed in the battle with Zio's father, to care for her daughter.
Who was Sky's love, you may ask. That secret remains unknown, for she never spoke of any love in her days of ruling the ruined land, with Zio's father, Crash, at her side.
But Sky's alliance with Crash became began to break as each one strived for power. Why they wanted power over an abandoned land is uncertain, with only a few villagers and a small adoption center, where the blue heron was currently nestled.
Mira's Untold Story
ContoMira's past has always been a secret. Word has never been spoken of the life she lived before she became the mother of jamaa. This is Mira's story, from a young heron to the beautiful mother of jamaa she is remembered for today.