The Simulator Chapter 1: Bad Dream

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I am catapulted into the ocean. The impact sends stings down my limbs as I splash through the water trying to capture a breath. Half way down, the ship creaks and snaps in unbearable noises from trashed metal and bending beams. It's snapping, tearing apart down the middle, seperating sides now. Where's Lizzie? Austin? Mom? Dad? Surrounded, by hundreds of wailing people, I swim through the crowd, calling out to Lizzie and Austin. I recieve nothing back except the distant screams of helpless people and a certain alarming sound in the distant sky. I search through my brain, trying to figure out where I last saw them. But the thing is, I can't. How did I get here? I continue to helplessly swim around to find my family, swerving around everyone doing the same while the blaring sound in the sky continues. "Help! Help! Please! Anybody help!" Screams a girl countless yards away from me, closer to the collapsing ship. Her screams soon become over layered by the rest. I am about halfway to where I heard the screams when I hear a large impact behind me and a wave sends me flying forward. A peice of the boat has fallen, no telling what part, but I need to hurry. I need to find my family. I see the girl, wailing and crying in the water, with her bright red hair contrasting in color over the waves. We make eye contact and she points down into the water. I swim over and submerge to see what's happening. Through the blury shapes that I can make out below the ship, I see another woman with the same hair color. I pull my head back above the water, take one last look at the girl and everything else, inhale, then go under.

Swimming up, I expect to see the powdery white sky and ripped apart boat shreds, but instead I see somewhere familiar. Emerging, I gasp in a puddle of sweat and fear. 

The Simulator Chapter 1: Bad DreamWhere stories live. Discover now