Gang Wars Part 1

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Cheryl: *Crying in a caravan park next to her caravan she lost (her home)* oh my god I cant believe i'm homeless! What am i going to do? I'll have to find some place to crash tonight *Cries and walks away onto a dark pathway*

Cheryl Ruddock has just lost her job and has no lost her home due to not paying the rent. As she walks away from the only home she has ever had she has no idea that in the next 24 hours her life will change FOREVER!

Cheryl: *wipes her tears* Should i ring Darren?

Darren is Cheryl's ex boyfriend they separated on bad terms Darren was really aggressive towards Cheryl and used to hit her if she said no but Cheryl has no one else to call because her parents live in England. Should she call him?

Cheryl: *rings Darren* Hi Darren its me Cheryl

Darren: What do you want?

Cheryl: I was just wondering if you would let me stay at yours for a few nights?

Darren: Get lost or i'll kill you!

Darren Hangs up on Cheryl

Cheryl: he hung up! *Thinks to herself* i'll find somewhere else to stay tonight *frowns and walks away into a lit up park*

Cheryl: This park is well lit up ill find a bench and sleep on that tonight


Cheryl: What the fuck!

Three Men on the other side are the park are arguing and then suddenly the one of the two shoots the old man five times

Cheryl: Oh My God he shot him

The two laugh at the guy laying dead on the floor

Hunter: we finally got him James!

James: Yeah Boss will be happy!

Cheryl: oh my god they killed him

Hunter: James? Who is that! *points at Cheryl at the other end of the park*

James: Get her!

Hunter and James runs towards Cheryl

Cheryl: Shit! *runs away*

Hunter and James Run after her

James: There she is *points*

Cheryl: *Runs out of site to a bus stop* Thank god i lost them *cries* i cant believe they murdered that poor guy

Hunter and James go up to Cheryl by either side

Hunter: Well Well Well what do we have here

James: Don't you even think about trying to run!

Cheryl: Please Let me go i'll do anything

Hunter and James Laugh at her

James: your coming with us Hunter go take care of the body and catch us up!

James and Cheryl walk away as James runs too the body. 10 minutes Later they all walk into an old building.

Hunter: you keep her here ill go see if boss wants to see her then we'll ask what do with her *walks away*

Cheryl: let me go!

James: oh pipe down your not going anywhere

Hunter:*comes back* lets go boss wants see her

Hunter James and Cheryl walk into the Front room

Hunter: Hey Boss! *walks over to the boss* we have her here boss!

Adrian: *Turns around and gives a stern look at Cheryl*

Adrian Birchall is head of The Golden Snakes one of the most feared gangs in New York

Cheryl: * Thinks to herself* his eyes are looking into me so there so light i need break the eye contact * *looks to the floor*

Adrian: *walks over to Cheryl and James and folds his arms* so who are you?

Cheryl stays silent and keeps looking on the floor until she feels a sharp pain in her back it was James poking her

James: Answer the boss!

Cheryl: nobody! *sighs*

Adrian: Whats you Name?

Cheryl: What is it to you? *folds her arm*

Cheryl heard everybody Gasp then she realized that nobody answered the boss back then she heard somebody in the back say just shoot her she also noticed that his face didn't change he showed no emotion nothing she wondered who this mysterious man was

Adrian: im trying to decide if i should kill you now or have a bit of fun with you first

Before Cheryl realized what she was doing she draws back and slaps him up the face. Everyone is angry with her now and there all screaming at her she tries not to show any fear

Adrian: Everyone shut up! Feisty little thing arent you *laughs*

Cheryl: im not scared of you!

Adrian: well you should be! James take her to mine ill deal with her later

James: yours?!

Adrian: yeah mine is there a problem!

James: problem boss

Adrian: also take her phone!

James: *nods*

Cheryl: no please i am really sorry let me go

Cheryl tries to grab Adrians arm but he turns and walks away

Adrian: *walks over to Hunter and Elizabeth

Hunter: what are you gonna do with her?

Adrian: don't know but it will be fun!

Elizabeth and Hunter Laugh

Elizabeth: would you like me to join you again tonight

Adrian: no not tonight i am busy!

Elizabeth: *mutters under her breath* better not be with that bitch

To be Continued....

What does Adrian have in store for Cheryl?

Will she be okay?

Will she die?

Find out in the next episode of

Gang Wars!

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