Gang Wars Part 3

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Cheryl: *thinks to herself* so Bethany brought me some new clothes? who is she and why would she do that? wow" oh my god i'm in love with this black dress i have never worn anything so revealing before if Darren could see me know he'd be so mad and i'd be in so much trouble *walks out* why are they shouting *gets scared*

Adrian: i'm warning you Alex if you keep it up i will send you to boarding school

Alex: Oh fuck off Ade i'm 18 i can do what i want

Adrian: i don't care how old you are what if Pods men catch you? they will kill

Alex: you shouldn't of killed there leader than

Adrian: i done what i had to do it was either him or us

Alex: we have a visitor

Adrian:*looks at cheryl as alex turns away and walks off* ALEX GET BACK HERE NOW! ugh *walks over to Cheryl* you got the clothes then

Cheryl: yes thanks

Adrian: Cheryl we need to talk

Cheryl: about what

Adrian: about what you have seen and what you plan to do with the information

Cheryl: they...they killed a man

Adrian: he deserved to die

Cheryl: nobody deserves to die!

Adrian:Cheryl you don't know what your talking about  he was the leader of the Bronze Skulls

Cheryl: but your a gang leader?

Adrian:yeah but we don't kill innocent people

Cheryl: do the Bronze Skulls kill innocent people?

Adrian: Yes and they tried to kill Alex!

Cheryl: who is Alex?

Adrian: that was Alex hes my little brother

Cheryl: where are your parents

Adrian: There dead

Cheryl: oh im so sorry how did they die

Adrian: Its not important. I really don't want to hurt you Cheryl but i cant let you put my people at risk

Cheryl: are you going to kill me? *gets scared*

Adrian: That depends on what you chose to do

Cheryl: i don't understand 

Adrian: i know your homeless and that you don't have any money

Cheryl: How do you know that

Adrian: i have my sources now you can choose to  go to the police but i promise you that you wont get there alive or you can join the Golden Snakes and have a roof over your head amd a family

Cheryl: The Golden Snakes?

Adrian: Thats us

Cheryl: I dont know what to do ive never been in a gang before

Adrian: *laughs* i can see that

Cheryl: will i have to kill people?

Adrian: *laughs* No

Cheryl: im really confused

Adrian: How about i throw a party tonight? so you can meet all the gang members and you can make your decision then?

Cheryl: That might help

Adrian: Okay go up and rest i'll set it up

Cheryl: *turns away*

Adrian: Cheryl?

Cheryl: *turns back and looks at him*

Adrian: you do know there is no way out i own the whole building and your on the 30th floor

Cheryl: i wont try to escape i like it here *walks away*

Adrian: *thinks to himself* i bet she does she seems so strong it makes me wonder why she stayed with a man who beat her


Adrian: Hello? Elizabeth just the women i needed i need you to get me a dress and get it here fast....No Not for me you idiot just get the dress here fast and tell everyone there is a party at the penthouse 7 and tell them that i want them all there no excuses *ends the call* *walks in alex's room* Alex!

Alex: Look Ade i promise i wont stay out again

Adrian: you better not Alex i have enough to worry about without you giving me grief aswell 

Alex: I know im sorry Adrian

Adrian: okay well there is a party at 7 for the gang so be there!

Alex: i will

Adrian: *walks into Cheryls room*

Cheryl: *sits up*

Adrian: no need to get up im just leaving the dress in here for the party

Cheryl: Thank you by the way i love this bed its so comfortable i never wanna get out of it

Adrian: *Laughs* you look comfortable by the way be ready for 7 *walks out*

Cheryl: i wonder who bought that dress probably Bethany ugh im going have a shower and check out this dress *gets undressed as Adrian walks in*

Adrian: *thinks to himself* oh my god *looks at Cheryl who is naked* 

 Cheryl: *screams* Adrian get out of here you pervert!

Adrian: *laughs* sorry i didn't know you like to walk around naked do you need any help? *winks*

Cheryl: GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adrian: *Laughs* okay okay keep your hair on

What will Cheryl chose to do?

Will she be able to resist Adrians charms?

And is Adrian telling her the whole truth?

 Find out soon in the next episode of.............

Gang Wars!!!!!!

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