Gang Wars Part 4

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Cheryl: Asshole! *walks out the shower and puts the dress on* wow this dress is amazing it must of been expensive ive never worn anything like this before*thinks to herself* is it a bit low cut? oh get a grip Cheryl your not with Darren anymore you can wear what what you like time to go im so nervous *Walks Downstairs and sees everybody* *thinks to herself* i fell like everybody is looking at me there is Adrian Jesus he looks hot in a suit

Hunter: There is Cheryl

Adrian: *walks over to Cheryl* Finally ok lets start introducing you to the gang there isa few more but a big job needed doing tonight so i had to send them 

Cheryl: okay

Adrian: Bethany come here

Bethany: *Walks over*

Adrian: Bethany this is Cheryl. Cheryl this is Bethany. Bethany joined the Golden Snakes five years ago she mainly deals with the undercover work we need done

Cheryl: undercover?

Adrian: Yes she pretends someone else to get information about our rivals or she will seduce gang members and keep them occupied while we rob their deliveries if you join us i might get you involved in that side of things

Cheryl: what?! oh no i wouldn't be able to seduce anyone and im a terrible liar

Adrian: *thinks to himself* oh id say you could seduce any man Cheryl *says out loud* okay Bethany you can go

Bethany: *nods and walks away*

Adrian: Alex come here!

Alex: * walks over to Adrian and Cheryl*

Adrian: this is Cheryl she is considering on joining the Golden Snakes. Cheryl this is my little brother Alex he is in his last year of school and isnt involved in any jobs yet with the gang

Alex: *Waves and walks away*

Adrian: so Cheryl would you like a drink before we continue?

Cheryl: Yes large red wine please

Adrian: coming up

Cheryl: *thinks to herself* i dont think i can do this but whats the alternative 

Elizabeth: *on the other side of the room* so whats the deal with the Girl

Bethany: Seemingly she is thinking of joining the Golden Snakes

Elizabeth: Are you serious she best keep her filthy hand off Adrian

James: *Laughs* You dont own Adrian just cuz hes shagged you a few times doesn't mean you are married

Elizabeth: Shut The Fuck Up James

Adrian: *walks over to Cheryl* Here you go one large red wine

Cheryl: Thank you

Adrian: Okay lets get on with this its getting late. Elizabeth come here

Elizabeth: *walks over to Adrian and Cheryl and crosses her arms and gives a dirty look to Cheryl

Adrian: is there a problem Elizabeth *crosses his arms*

Elizabeth: *unfolds arms* no boss

Adrian: Good! Well as i was saying this is Cheryl. Cheryl this is Elizabeth

Cheryl: Hi Elizabeth

Elizabeth: *crosses her arms and thinks to herself* Bitch

Adrian: Elizabeth has been with us for 3 years she mainly deals with the drugs side of the gang

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