Epilogue: The Letters

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Author's Note: This is simply the words I wish I could say to the people who were in this book. There's so much I wish I could say, but honestly, I can't bring myself to say it to your face. So, here's everything I wish I could say to you, in this one simple letter.

To Parker: I know now that my feelings for you were real. When we first started dating I only saw a relationship with you as an opportunity, a moment that I didn't want to pass up. But in our relationship I wish I was better to you. I wish your work schedule hadn't been so hectic, because I wanted to talk to you more. I wanted to get to know you better. I wish I had taken the relaonship more seriously, and I wish I had put more work into it than I did. I think that's at least one of the reasons why Callista was better for you. I'm sorry that I wasn't everything I wanted and tried to be. But I couldn't. I'm sorry that I was always scared and stressed about you leaving me. I know you were and are better than that. I'm sorry that I ignored yoiu in the halls and didn't make an effort to be friends with you after we broke up. That's probably the thing I regret the most out of it all. But I know now that I can't go back to the friendship we had. I hope you find someone better than me or Callista or any of the you've been with up to this point. You deserve the best.

To Callista: I forgive you. I forgive you even though you feel as though that you made good decisions even though it was your fault that I gave up our friendship. I hope you become a better person so that guys will stop dating you for your looks. Cause they just want one thing anyways. And just because you're not dating Parker anymore doesn't change a thing. Because I now know how much you truly valued our friendship. I refused to be friends with you because of that reason. Try to stay out of trouble, but I already know it's going to find you, for the rest of your life.


MikkelleSting 💙

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