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Sick days are no fun. Especially if you have fans waiting for more videos.

But who cares. Even if you're famous on Youtube, getting sick is terrible.

Getting into bed, Charlie sighed as he turned around so he could see his digital alarm clock.

He then wrapped himself in a blanket because he had shivers.

"Hh'nngtshhh!" He stifled a sneeze, then sighed as he got up to upload another video. Then he stopped to the feeling of another sneeze coming.

"Hh'ktshht! Hh-tshhh!" He sneezed two more times. One more should do it, so he decided to quit suppressing his sneeze for now.

"Hh'TSHIEW!!" He then started shivering again.

He was going to upload another video, he just knew it.

But for now, he decided to rest.

Sneezy TubersWhere stories live. Discover now