Danny Sexbang

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Idea from yinyangfan1200: Danny is practicing for a concert on the stage in the middle of spring. The room starts getting too hot for the producers who help him, so they open a window and let pollinated air in. Danny starts sneezing due to his hayfever, maybe holding back a few sneezes so he can continue to sing.


"Ready, Ninja Brian?"


"Great! LET'S ROCK!"

Danny Sexbang was rehearsing with Ninja Brian, TWRP, and a bunch of people for an upcoming concert.

And it was in the middle of Spring, too. 

They were filling the room with 90's-ish rock music with dick jokes and sexual references. Just then, the temperature was tampered with, and some of the producers got sweaty and shit.

"Phew! It's hot in here." said one producer. "Yeah, sure is." said another.

They both opened a window, just to get some fresh air. All of a sudden, they heard a weird, yet familiar sound.


It was Danny's harmonious sneezing. A few of the producers looked at Danny, then back at each other. "Was that part of the song?" One of them asked. "Is that even a sneeze?" Another replied.

"I've got ahh... Heart Bonehh... Heart Boner f-for you...  I stand b-behhh... Before you stihhh... Stiff ahh... Hehh... Haaah-tshoOoOoOoOoOo~! Hiehh-tchoOoOoOoOo~! Hah-tchoOoOoOoOoOo~!" Three more echoed off the walls.

"Stiff and true... I wannaaahhh... Hehh... Ahhh... Hyeaa-tsheoOoOoOoOoOo~!!" Another sneeze blasted some mucus onto the floor as Danny tried to continue singing.

"B-blast a load of... Feelihhh... Feelings onto you... Ahhh... Heh-tishoOoOoOoOoOo~!" He sneezed in Ninja Brian's face, leaving sticky snot over some parts of his mask.

"This Heart Buhhh... Boner's for... Fuhhh... Hehhh... Hyahh-haa..." Danny's breath hitches got louder and more desperate. "Heaah... Ahh... Hahhh...! Haa...!! Hyeaaaaahhhh...!!!" His chest was puffing as the feeling to sneeze got stronger.

"Everybody, duck!" Doctor Sung cried out. Him, the producers, Ninja Brian, and the rest of TWRP hid under a table.

Danny's nostrils were flaring up, as well as messy. The blue-caped singer fanned himself innocently, before...


A barrel-load of mucus splattered everywhere, except underneath the table and their instruments.

"...W-what the hell happened? Why is everyone under the table?" Danny looked around and saw that his nose was runny, strings of snot coming from it, and the mess he made.

"Oh my fucking..." Danny rubbed his nose on the back of his hand with a shocked expression on his face.

"Bless YOU!" A producer called out from the table, before the others got out.

Danny continued to rub his nose. "T-thanks. Hey, maybe you should warn me next time you do something like that." He sniffed a couple of times. "Can you get me a tissue? My nose is like Niagra Falls here."

Meouch tossed a tissue packet at Danny. Danny picked it up, and took a tissue out. He blew his nose, making a saxophone noise.

He looked at Ninja Brian, who was just as scared as Danny was.

Nothing came out of the silent murderer, but Danny accepted it as a blessing.

"Thank you, Brian." Danny rubbed his nose one last time, as the rest of the band got in their positions. Brian wiped Danny's snot from his face.

"Let's take it from the top." Four drumstick taps were the last four sounds that filled the room before they started the song again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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