Chapter 1

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Sophia, the General wants you to report to her office right away.

I look up from my book and smile at a blond haired girl with ocean blue eyes.

Alright, thanks Emma

She smiles and walks out of my room. I sit up and think why does the General want to see me, oh well I guess I will find out when I get there but I don't want to keep her waiting. I get up and quickly walk to her office.
I reach the door of the general and I knock three times and put my hands behind my back waiting for her to respond.

Come in, Sophia

I open the door and walk up to her desk and give her a salut and put my hands behind my back.

Please take a seat, Sophia

I sit down on the chair in the middle of the room.

Sophia, are you aware that you're top in your class she says looking down at a small stack of papers.

Yes ma'am I'm aware.

Sophia I know you like it here but I don't think we can keep you here anymore.

My heart drops to my stomach and my throat tightens, I can't breath.

What? Was all I managed to say

Sophia we can't keep you here anymore because we can't teach you what you already know, so your moving to the big leagues.

My heart jumps back into my chest but I don't know if I feel happy or upset. I don't like change but yet I like the danger and trill that comes with it.

You leave tonight for New Jersey, she stands up and gives me a salut.

It's been a pleasure teaching you Sophia,

she hands me my passport I glance at it and back at her.

we all have got to move on and take another step in our lives.

I stand up and give her a salut.

Thank you it's been an honor.

I feel the tears building up inside me but I know I have to be strong. I turn and walk out the door.
After I was done packing it was time to go. My best friend Abby drove me to the airport, we talked the hole way there and she made me promise to call and wright to her every week. Abby has been like a sister to me, we've known each other since pre-school she knows every thing about me she even knows about my parents and what happens to them. If I go threw hell she right along side me probable roasting marshmallows and cracking jokes left and right just to make me smile.

Once were at the airport she bear hugs me. I feel tears streaming down my face and when we both pull away I see that she's crying too. We both say our goodbyes and I walk into the airport turning around once to see her for what seems like that last time she still standing there I wave and she waves. Then I head strait for the plane.
When I get on the plane I take my seat next to the window and put in my head phones and close my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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