15. BBQ Jealousy

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Chapter 15

Ryan and I lazed on the couch watching some new series, my legs over his lap and half asleep. It was raining outside, which is why we were cooped up inside, and it allowed a serene energy to sift through the house. I hummed and looked over at him, wondering how was I going to tell him? How was I going to tell him that all this time I had mostly been leading him on because of blackmail I had received from my mother?

"What are you thinking about?" Ryan asked, fingers brushing over my ankles. I forced a smile.

"The rain. The sound is so tranquil, I could listen to it all day" I admit, closing my eyes.

"Really? It's annoying. We can't go outside and...it's still raining" He muttered, looking over his shoulder outside. A strange nerve faltered.


"Yeah, I don't know how these people can live here and not grow bored" He admitted with a whisper and I realised which nerve he hit...a defensive nerve. My defensive wall shot up and I slowly removed my legs off his lap and sat up.

"I'm going to get some coffee. You want some?" 

On Friday Emily held a Barbecue, inviting the entire pack to her house. At this point, I hadn't spoken much to Paul whilst being with Ryan and I noticed he wasn't coming over as often as he was before. I had been prolonging the conversation I had to have with Ryan. 

"Do you want any help?" I asked Emily, leaning over the kitchen counter.

"No, everything's under control, you and Ryan should go into the living room with the other boys. We're just waiting for Seth and Leah, Kim and Jared and Paul and...his date. Sam will get the barbecue going soon." My breath hitched as my attention caught the part of the sentence where Paul was bringing a date. Jealousy kicked me int he gut and sent a furrow into my eye brows. Emily noticed my surprised blank stare as the information processed through my mind. Emily sighed. "You two have to stop playing this game." I looked up at her with confusion.

"What game?" Emily didn't look impressed.

"The one between you and Paul. First you bringing Ryan here and then Paul bringing this other girl tonight," She let out a sigh and moved closer to me, "I don't know if I'm over stepping here, but Ryan...there's something not quite right about him..." I frowned. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned. Emily glanced over my shoulder at Sam who gave her a cautious shake of his head. The stepping over eggshells was confusing me and in a way it was confusing me as well. What was it that was making Emily so anxious?

"Sam saw him in the woods and he was--" 

"We're here!" Paul announced, walking into the house, a innocent looking girl under his arm. I looked over, jealousy burning my core gradually. I felt Emily grasp my hands and I turned to her with disappointment. To throw more fuel into the flames she was dressed in black denim jeans and a white long sleeve lace top. My thoughts drifted back to what Emily was saying.

"Emily, what were you saying?" I asked. Emily glanced over my shoulder, her eyes quick and panicky.

"Wanna get the BBQ started?" Emily asked, furthering my confusion.

"Sure" Sam muttered walking outside as Jared followed quickly. Emily shoved a bowl of onions into my arms and grabbed a tray of some type of meat for herself and practically dragged me outside. Mindlessly I put the onions onto the table beside the barbecue and went back inside, passing Paul and Layla and bumping into Embry on my way to the toilet. Without a word I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. Wordlessly he returned the hug.

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