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Minhyuk was talking as usual, blabbering away to Changkyun, and Changkyun had been smiling and talking back, more energetic than he usually was. But then he had thrown up petals. So much that it covered his entire lap, dropped to the floor, and then he was heaving more. "Changkyun!" Kihyun cried, leaping up from the visitor's chair to grab Changkyun.

Wonho and Shownu leapt up from where they were, and Shownu ran out immediately to grab a doctor or a nurse while Minhyuk grabbed Changkyun. The younger boy heaved again, another cascade of crimson red petals spilling past the hand that he'd covered his mouth with. "Kihyun," he whimpered, gripping at his arm. "It hurts."

Kihyun froze. It was the first time Changkyun had admitted the Hanahaki hurt him. He couldn't help himself from imagining the thorns of the rose cutting deep into Changkyun's insides.

Kihyun began to lean in. He was about to make the younger boy's disease go away but was stoppped when the doctors came through the door. They told everyone to get out the room and began to operate in the boy.

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