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you know how much I hate myself?? do you want to know??

For the past three years, THREE FUCKING YEARS, I have accumulated various fanfictions and created a list of them in my notes. These fanfics came from many fandoms and ships, including Phan, Attack on Titan, Free!, Haikyuu!!, Yuri!!! On Ice, Harry Potter, BTS, and even one or two One Direction (please don't fucking ask about 1D that was such a dark time and I was CRAVING some good writing)

This list had my perfect description or comment on it, and it was organized and easy to access. It was kind of my baby? Besides my other story on wattpad which is my liTERL CHILD.

and today I fucked it all up.

Since I just added on since the beginning of my collecting (which started with Phan), BTS was at the bottom since I haven't been into them for a very long time. I read BTS stuff all the time, and whenever I have nothing to do I always go to BTS fics, so naturally, I wanted those to be more easily accessible. Therefore, I tried to copy and past my links and shit la la la to the top of my list. Should've worked, right?


All the links got messed up, some even linking to different fics(?) and my descriptions were fucked up. Now, I have no idea if this was the cause of copy and pasting so much text or the fact that my phone has been rather faulty for a while. It doesn't even matter, because I DESTROYED THE LIST. FUCKING DESTROYED IT.

Well, after trying to fix it by retyping and copy and paste every link into a new note, I went "fuck it" and just deleted everything. EVERYTHING. ALL THE PHAN, VICTUURI, EREMIN SHIT I HAD WAS GONE. IS GONE. WILL BE GONE.

(all the bts I managed to save stayed ok though, so I have those at least)

While this hurt me, I decided that it's good to restart and clear away all those old fanfics. Now I only have BTS fics from Archive,, and Tumblr saved in my list. It's depressing honestly, but I think it'll be good to find more fics from other fandoms, better ones maybe (but what gets better than Wishing On Raindrops like I fucking cried my eyes out reading that one) and restoring my list with stuff that will better reach my interests.

Lesson of the Day: don't try to copy and paste a shit ton of text, and it's always nice to start things over.

Imprudent YouthWhere stories live. Discover now