A Little Drunk- A Matt Fanfic: Ch. 8

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CH 8- Gisselle's POV

After cheer practice, I immediately get a text from Hayes saying:

H: Hey babe😘 how was practice?

Then our convo continued:

G: Pretty boring, but learned new stuff

H: cool. Did you know The Normals are throwing a party?

G: No. Do you want to crash it? Wheeler could be there 😈.

H: Uh, ok. Let me text the dudes...

(5 mins later)

H: Everyone can come but Matt. He said he has homework 😒

G: Who cares about that fag? Tell the guys to meet me at 7:30 at my house.

H: 'Kay babe. See you later😏😘

G: Bye honey😘

I closed our messages then texted Skylar and Crystal about the party crashing, who agreed to come. This plan was going to raise hell.

(7:30 PM) I wait for the boys and my girls to come, then what seemed like forever, I heard a knock. I walked to the door and I see Hayes and Nash. Nash ran to the couch and laid down. "Get comfy.." I said sarcastically. Hayes whispered, "Hey, beautiful." into my ear. After he said that, I got chills shooting up my back. He put his arms around me, tracing my spine, then kissed my jawline. I ran my fingers through his hair. "EEW. Take it to the bedroom!" Nash yelled. We stopped and laughed at Nash's crude joke. The door opened to Cam, Aaron, and Taylor. "Man, I miss Carter." said Cam. "Yea, me too. If only he didn't get suspended for the toad in Mr Wentel's office." said Aaron. If only Carter wasn't suspended and grounded, he would've planned this prank out better. But I thought this prank out after cheer practice, and I thought it was pretty good. " 'Kay! Everybody gather around!" We all joined in my dining room table, and I start explaining the plan. "This was held at Renfro's house, and next to her house are the woods, and she has a fire pit. We park a quarter mile-" "HAIL NAW!" screamed Cam. "Dude, let Gisselle talk." Hayes spat. I continued. "We park a quarter mile away from the woods. We spread behind the woods and start making animal or scary noises. Try not to make it obvious.." We all stared at Cam. He already should know. "Our base is my jeep. When they discover out it's us, run as fast as you can to the base. We will drive to In-n-Out as our victory." Hoops and hollers rise out. "This actually might work." said Skylar. I feel confident. "Okay, let me get ready first." I said. "Oh, me too!" Nash said high- pitched. While I walked in my room, the boys are saying, "HAYES! GO HAYES!" I was curios on what they're doing. I get ready as fast as I can and come down to Hayes snorting crushed-up pain killers. "WHY ARE YOU GETTING HIGH BEFORE THE PRANK?" I screamed at him. Hayes finished off the pill, and he said, "Mommy said I can have a pet cactus if I clean my room." I facepalmed myself. "How can you guys let this happen?" I grouched. They all looked at the floor. "Whatever. Let's go." I bitched. They all silently follow me to my Jeep. They all get in, and Hayes tries to get in the front seat, but Crystal shoved him in the backseat. "I don't think so." she said. Hayes pouted like a 3 year old. Hayes said, "Can I kiss you please please please?" he begged. "Alright, but only because I love you." I say. We start making out passionately. The whole car groans in disgust. I laughed, and for once I felt happy after practice. But that could be removed if this prank goes wrong.

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