Kawaii~chan: Kawaii~chan is going to look around the place cya
Everyone: bye Kawaii~chan
Everyone goes where they wanted to go but I just stood there looking at everyone having fun I felt alone until......
Kawaii~chan: BOO
Me: *laughs* you got to try better Kawaii~chan to scare me
me and KC talked and walked to the beach she ran but I grabbed her hand and did this:
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but she managed to escape it and did this:
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I started to laugh and she smile and gave me a kiss on the check and she ran to the ocean and I watch her play in the ocean and I pulled down my mask and smile up to the sky and sighs and pull up my mask to my mouth and went to Kawaii~chan to go play with her.
~ time skip ~
everyone meet back at the place where all of them were staying at but everyone had to pair up with a boy and a girl here is the list:
Aph and Aaron
Zane and Kawaii~chan
Katylen and Travis
Garroth and Lucidan
All of us claimed our rooms and put our stuff in our rooms and just with each other.
Me: welp, I'm going to take a shower be back kc ok
she nods her I got my stuff ready to shower and went in and came out then after that I saw kc laying in the bed watching TV so jumped on the bed next to her and put my arm around her and she didn't mind.
Me: hey kc, can I give you-
I lean in and whisper in her
Me: a nickname
she nod her and I start thinking up a nickname and I got her new nickname.